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Placemaking Monthly Newsletter - Project for Public Spaces

This newsletter from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement.

Project for Public Spaces
February Newsletter
This newsletter connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issuesnewsquotesplaces, and events from the placemaking movement.
Ideas & Issues

Call for Proposals is Open for Placemaking Week 2017 in Amsterdam!

We are pleased to announce that the Call for Proposals for Placemaking Week 2017 is officially open! Taking place October 11-14 in Amsterdam, this conference will attract placemakers from across the globe. But there are no great conferences without great presenters! We need your expertise, and we encourage you to submit a proposal. Come, be inspired, and share your knowledge and success stories about the latest topics and trends in placemaking.



Melbourne's Queen Victoria Market Turns a New Leaf

As PPS’s “How to Create Successful Markets” training is now open for registration, a spotlight on some exciting changes taking place at Melbourne's historic Queen Victoria Market.



Announcing PPS's "Healthy Places" Webinar Series

PPS's 2017 “Healthy Places” Webinar Series will be based on the findings and topic areas highlighted in our recent report, “The Case for Healthy Places: Improving Health Outcomes through Placemaking.” Register Now to join us for the first webinar: Making Healthy Places: The Role of Social Support & Interaction” on Tuesday, April 18, at 1pm ET.


Taking Learning Outside the Classroom: Placemaking at Curtin University

After PPS began working with the community to turn the Perth Cultural Centre into a treasured community asset in 2009, the placemaking bug—and especially the strategy of “bringing the inside out”—spread quickly to another of Perth’s key cultural institutions, Curtin University. Today, the school is becoming a model for how to think outside the box (and the lecture hall) with placemaking.

Want to write for the PPS blog? We are now accepting article pitches. Submit your query letter here.
Place Talk

Cities must make room for the misfits, the self-defined, the antisocial, the anti-communitarian and the spectacular, as much as they do for the tight-knit neighborhoods and engaged citizen-activists. The dance among these different interests and complex forces is a difficult one, and there is no simple guide to how to perform its steps
- Timothy Mennel, on Jane Jacobs, Andy Warhol, and the Kind of Problem a Community Is
 Sometimes I walk because I have things on my mind, and walking helps me sort them out. (...) Above all, I walk because it confers—or restores—a feeling of placeness.
- Lauren Elken, excerpted from Flâneuse (2017)

These are the places we remember most vividly, the places where serendipitous things happen, the places we tell stories about.
Submit your Great Public Space today!

Upcoming Events

April 18, 2017 | Online

May 10-12, 2017 | New York City

June 16-17, 2017 | New York City

Oct 11-14, 2017 | Amsterdam
Copyright © 2017 Project for Public Spaces, PPS, All rights reserved.
Project for Public Spaces


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