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Social Capital Gateway updated

The Social Capital Gateway has been thoroughly renewed, both in its design and contents, thank to the support by Euricse (European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises).

Euricse’s mission is to promote knowledge development and innovation for the field of cooperatives, social enterprises and other nonprofit organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. The Institute aims to deepen the understanding of these types of organizations and their impact on economic and social development, fostering their growth and assisting them to work more effectively.

Expiring calls for papers

Rivista Italiana degli Economisti - The Journal of the Italian Economic Association, Special Issue on Social Cohesion and Financial Exclusion. Deadline for submission: 12 September 2011
Recent Advances on the Role of Beliefs in Decision Theory. Paris, 24-25 November 2011. Deadline for submission: 15 September 2011.
Cooperative Responses to Global Challenges. Berlin, 21-23 March 2012. Deadline for submission: 15 September 2011.

Next conferences

Lisbon Meeting on Institutions and Political Economy. Lisbon, 8-9 September 2011.
Perspectives on Wellbeing at Work. London, 21 September 2011.
The Social Capital Foundation 2011 Conference. Malta, 2-5 November 2011.

New calls for papers

Special Issue of Review of Network Economics: Social Networks and Economics
. Deadline for submission: to be defined.
Institutions and economic performance. Iasi, Romania, 18-19 November 2011. Deadline for submission: 25 October 2011.
X Brucchi Luchino Labour Economics Workshop. Rome, 15-16 December 2011. Deadline for submission: 30 September 2011.

Job opportunities

Assistant Professorships in the economics and management of innovation and entrepreneurship Copenhagen Business School. Deadline: 12 September 2011.
PhD Scholarships in Economics, Deakin University, Melbourne (Australia). Deadline: 18 September 2011.

Reading list

The following sections of the reading list:

"Measuring social capital"
"Against social capital"

have been renewed and updated.


Finally, I would like to remind you that Social Capital Gateway is daily updated on Facebook too.

Thank you for your attention and best regards,

Fabio Sabatini


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