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Victoria leads the way in adult literacy, local adult learning centre rescues small town newspaper, inspiring ALW scholarship winners, and more in Quest

Welcome to our third issue of Quest for 2020 which features stories about the impact of adult learning programs from around Australia.

In this issue, you'll find stories about how Shane Fitzsimmons, Head of Resilience NSW overcame a rocky start at school and found career success through adult learning, how a local adult education centre in Guyra NSW produces the town's successful newspaper, why Victoria is leading the way in adult literacy training, why there's no stopping our three amazing Adult Learners Week scholarship winners who have turned their lives around through adult education, and more.

In Quest we feature stories about how people develop the confidence to take on challenges and overcome disadvantages through adult education. And how the organisations behind these kinds of programs are working to improve the lives of people in their communities through the power of adult learning.

In these times of uncertainty, we need these good news stories more than ever so we encourage you to share Quest through your networks. You can read full issues of Quest or a selection of individual stories in the #lifechanger section of our website.

I hope you enjoy this issue. Feel free to send me any feedback.



Gina Perry

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