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Universities' Third Mission

The Role of Higher Education in Regional and Community Development and in the Time of Economic Crisis

The details of the latest book from PASCAL, The Role of Higher Education in Regional and Community Development and in the Time of Economic Crisis, edited by Caroline Carlot, University of Strasbourg, Jean-Marie Filloque, University of Brittany, and Mike Osborne and Peter Welsh, both University of Glasgow, are now available on the NIACE website at this link.

University-Community Engagement Conference 2015 (UCEC2015)

Navitas and the Asia-Pacific University-Community Engagement Network (APUCEN) are organising the University-Community Engagement Conference on the Gold Coast in Australia from 1st-3rd November 2015 (UCEC2015).

A preliminary announcement by Navitas Group CEO Me Rod Jones states that

Remembering David Watson and carrying forward his legacy

Many of us were saddened by the death of Professor David Watson early in February.  And since then we have been reflecting on how profoundly he contributed to the civic engagement work of universities around the world and how much he influenced our individual efforts.

It's not too late to act

Action drives change – and the most recent event we took part in underlined our conviction that the evidence we are gathering through The world beyond 2015 campaign does matter and can produce results with lasting impact.

Emerging Modes of Cooperation between Private Enterprises and Universities

University-business cooperation (UBC) is currently one of the key strategic challenges facing higher education in Europe. It holds implications for support for graduates’ career success, international mobility, modernisation of curricula and the more practical orientation of higher education in general.

In a survey among 700 enterprises and enterprise associations in Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and other countries, the EMCOSU consortium sought answers to three interrelated questions:

The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - February 2015

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates. The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter for February 2015:

At Berkeley - Birkbeck College - 27 February 2015

Feb 27 2015 13:30
University of London, Birkbeck
Birkbeck Cinema, 43 Gordon Square

This discussion about universities and higher education today will include a viewing of extracts from the film, At Berkeley, and a discussion, led by Professor Peter Scott (Institute of Education at UCL).

Community Development Society 2015 Conference: Deadline for papers extended: 15 February

Jul 19 2015
Jul 22 2015
Hilton Lexington Downtown Hotel
369 West Vine Street

Community activists and developers are integrating the arts and culture into building vibrant communities. Increasingly, groups and organizations are leveraging the arts and imagination to engage citizens in community development. In doing so, they create places and organizations that support economic diversity and strengthen the aesthetics of communities. There is a growing awareness that the arts can serve as a vehicle to bring people together.

Kelvin Hall as a state of the art facility for research, teaching and learning, and public engagement

Subscribers may be interested in knowing about a major initiative in Glasgow. The redevelopment of Kelvin Hall (KH) offers the University (UoG) and City of Glasgow the opportunity to create an integrated, state of the art facility for research, teaching and learning, and public engagement in the area of historic collections and the visual arts.

Leaders in South African university civic engagement share their perspectives

Featuring Vice Chancellor Adam Habib, Community Organizer Thabo Putu and Professor Joseph Francis, this month's edition of the Leaders in the Civic Engagement Movement series -  LCEM December 2014 - features three leaders from two universities in South Africa, site of the 2014 Talloires Network Leaders Conference.


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