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David Campbell

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User Profile


Current Position:

  • Director, Service Design, Farm Services Victoria, Department of Primary Industries.

Recent Positions:

  • Executive Director, Office of Knowledge Capital , Melbourne.
  • Global Business Development Manager, Stem Cell Sciences plc, UK and Australia.
  • Director, Commercialsation, Monash Commercial, Melbourne.
  • Agriculture/agribusiness related innovation, knowledge management, and service development.
  • Regional development and community engagement.
  • Technology commercialisation and development.
  • Policy and strategy development/implementation.
Recent research/consultancy: 

Melbourne PURE project plus team contribution to global PURE project.

Recognitions, positions, memberships: 
  • Employment: senior/executive management, numerous board/director positions.
  • Industry/community roles: numerous industry/professional organizations either at committee or leadership levels over a 25 year period.
  • Professional associations, executive positions: Associate Fellow Australian Institute of Management, Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors, Past President Agribusiness Association of Australia and New Zealand.


Member for
14 years 8 weeks
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