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Haiti: Four Years Later (Northern Illinois University's Anthropology Museum Exhibit)

Haiti’s earthquake was one of the world’s deadliest disasters, claiming as many as 316,000 lives. Media images highlighted the exceptional, macabre, and gruesome. These accounts dehumanized Haiti and Haitian people and focused disproportionate attention on the good intentions and generosity of foreigners. International media attention helped raise $5.6 billion in official funds and $2 billion in private donations for the first two years following the earthquake.

But what happened? Where did the money go? Four years following the earthquake, international media coverage on Haiti has diminished significantly. Living conditions have only improved slightly and are still among the worst in the world. One index counts 280,000 people still living under tents in scores of camps.

NIU's Anthropology Museum presents Fragments: Haiti Four Years After the Earthquake. This installation acknowledges disparate lived realities now in the shadows. It aims to move visitors to reflect on the people surviving, building community, making art, raising families, and challenging their situation as activists, and to recall the bonds that already exist between us.

This exhibition will be on display at the Northern Illinois University Anthropology Museum from January through May 2014.


Where indeed did the money go?

As one who, with millions of others, contributed to the Haiti redevelopment fund I would love to see the exhibition - alas it's unlikely that I can get there. However, as Paul says, where did the money disappear to? Anyone have any answers?


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