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Reflections on Afrikan Indigenous Knowledge: Work of Paulo Wangoola

Paulo Wangoola is the founding Nabyama or President of the Mpambo Afrikan Multiversity, a higher education research institute for the revitalization and promotion of mother-tongue Afrikan scholarship. Based near the source of the River Nile in Busoga Kingdom of Uganda, Wangoola has been working closely with a team of deep thinkers trained in Indigenous ways of knowing totally outside of western educational schools and systems of thought. Wangoola reports that according to the prophesy in that part of the world, we are living in the epoch of Mulembe Mutinzi, an epoch which began in 1966 when, according to Mpambo scholarship, the era of the domination of European thought ended.  We have entered therefore an era of when the world needs to learn of and share thinking that is based on Afrikan knowledge systems that have their origins in the beginnings of human activity.

Paulo was a participant in the May 2013 GUNI international conference on knowledge, transformation and higher education and was recently in Canada to give a talk at the University of Victoria, to do some work with Elders of the Lilwat First Nation in British Columbia and to participate in the 20th Anniversary of the Transformative Learning Centre at the University of Toronto.  His presentation in Victoria was captured on video tape and is presented below, sourced through Youtube:




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