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CLAYSS DIGITAL - November 2017

We are pleased to present the November 2017 issue of the Digital newsletter of CLAYSS, the Latin American Center for Service Learning:

November 2017

From 2 to 6 October 2017, the "1st. Service-Learning Week in Central and Eastern Europe" took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina. This was the first time that CLAYSS held an International Training Seminar outside of Argentina, which represented a great challenge for our team. During the week, a variety of activities were organized and attended by more than 100 people from 13 countries.



The Presidential Award for Solidarity Schools was presented

On 25 and 26 October, workshops and reflection sessions were held in the City of Buenos Aires for 100 schools and around 800 students and teachers, representing the more than 1500 projects submitted from the 24 jurisdictions of our country for the Presidential Award:"Solidary Schools", organized by the National Solidarity Education Program.
The conference, held in Parque Norte, was opened on October 25th by the Director of Socio-Educational Policies of the Ministry of National Education, Dr. María Pace, and by the Director of CLAYSS, Nieves Tapia, representing the Jury that selected the winners of this new edition of the Award, which is celebrating 17 years almost uninterrupted. In the afternoon, the Prizes were presented, with the presence of the Secretary of Educational Management, Max Gulmanelli; the National Director of Socio-Educational Policies, Dr. María Pace; Father Pepe Di Paola, Juan Carr and Lic. Enrique Ochoa, Executive Director of CLAYSS.
The first prizes were awarded to the Escuela de Educación Secundaria Técnica N° 1 of General Villegas (Buenos Aires); theColegio Secundario Presidente Dr. Arturo Frondizi of the capital of Corrientes; the Centro Multinivel N° 105, the Escuela Provincial N° 62 Padre Luis Tiberi of Colonia Potrero de los Caballos (Formosa); the Escuela Bachillerato para Adultos N° 7166 of General Güemes (Salta); the Special School of Famaillá (Tucumán) and the Middle School of Taco Ralo (Tucumán). A summary of the finalist experiences can be downloaded (in Spanish) here.

Brazilian Solidarity Learning Network was launched

After two working meetings in 2015 and 2017 with universities, institutes, government agencies and researchers from Brazil interested in Solidarity Service-Learning, CLAYSS participated in the launch of the Brazilian Solidarity Learning Network.
The network's objectives are to promote solidarity-based learning in Brazil, strengthen existing initiatives, give visibility to good practices and encourage the construction of knowledge and development of new actions. The launching meeting with the founding members, including the Singularidades Institute, CENPEC, Unibanco Institute, among others, took place on November 9 at the Singularidades Institute, Sao Paulo.
During that week, CLAYSS members participated in meetings and training meetings in the same city.

I National Conference on Solidarity Service-Learning (JONASS) in Peru

The meeting will take place on November 21 and 22 at the Universidad del Pacífico, Lima-Peru. The JONASS is organized by CLAYSS in collaboration with the Universidad del Pacífico and the Latin American University Social Responsibility Union (URSULA) and the Peruvian Network of USR. It will be an opportunity for Peruvian educational institutions and social organizations to get acquainted with solidarity service-learning, attending lectures by specialists, government authorities and institutions committed to social responsibility. The JONASS will also include two afternoons of intensive training in SL. For more information: [email protected]


I Uruguayan Solidarity Service-Learning Day

The 1st Conference was held on October 20th at the Catholic University of Uruguay for more than 250 educators, managers, authorities and students from all over the country who shared the different spaces for the exchange of experiences and workshops.
Among the activities that were carried out were the presentation by Prof. Nieves Tapia, Director of CLAYSS and Mag. Felipe Stevenazzi Alén, Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, UDELAR in the main plenary session, as well as teachers and students from 30 formal and non-formal education centres. In addition, workshops and the official launch of the Uruguayan SL Network were also held. Participation in the conference was free and gratuitous.

Award ceremony of the "Solidarity Education" Contest 2017

On November 20th at 3:30 pm. in the Hugo Balzo Room of SODRE and with the presence of education authorities, the 4th edition of the Awards Ceremony will be held. The Solidarity Education 2017 Contest selection board is made up of Prof. Martha Machado from ANEP, Prof. Patricia Pacheco from MEC and Lic. Catalina Thölke from CLAYSS Uruguay and Chajá. Hard work is being done to evaluate the 80 formal and non-formal education experiences received from all levels of education (CEIP, CES, CETP and CFE) as well as from NGOs, departmental governments, CECAP centres of MEC and INAU in 14 departments of the country.


Solidary computer training in Corrientes

One of the institutions that was recognized with the First Prize in the Presidential Award "Solidary Schools" 2017 is the Colegio Secundario "Presidente Dr. Arturo Frondizi" of the city of Corrientes, Province of Corrientes, which has an enrollment of almost 1000 students and since its foundation in 2001 is committed to community development through solidarity actions.
The project arose from a lecture in the classroom on the use of ICTs, where concerns arose about the lack of computer knowledge in the students families and the educational staff that also demanded updating. Thus, they developed the Project "Online Tutors", which aimed to offer tools that allow the development of competences, knowledge and skills related to the management of computers, word processing software and mathematical operations, Internet and social networks.
The students made significant progress in learning at school and in their commitment to homework and school responsibilities. At the same time, they increased their motivation by feeling prepared to transfer knowledge to others. Ricardo Almirón, one of the students who participated in the project, told La Nación newspaper:"We wanted adults to not be afraid to stand in front of a computer. To do this, we set up a workshop that included everything from how to turn on the PC to managing social networks.


Onsite Training in Slovakia

Within the framework of the Support Program that CLAYSS has been carrying out in Eastern Europe, several actions were developed: the second training at Matej Bel universities in Banská Bystrica, and at the Catholic University of Ružomberok, Ružomberok, an open conference and several workshops where various aspects of the itinerary for the development of service-learning projects were deepened.


The 10th State Meeting of the Spanish Service-Learning Network is announced

On December 1st, the Spanish Network plans to meet in Hospitalet de Llobregat, a municipality known for its policies to promote service-learning. The Service-Learning Awards 2017 will be presented as part of the meeting. More information at:

Upcoming CLAYSS activities
  • November 21-22: First Peruvian Conference on Solidarity Service-Learning, University of the Pacific, Lima.
  • 22-24 November: XVII International Colloquium on University Management, “University, Development and Future in the Knowledge Society", Mar del Plata, Argentina. Prof. Nieves Tapia will speak at the morning panel on Thursday 23rd, entitled: “Management of University Social Commitment" (estimated time frame 11:30 hs.)
Other activities


  • March 11-13: Justice In Action-the 29th Annual National Service-Learning Conference®, en el InterContinental Riverfront Saint Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota, EEUU. Organiza NYLC (National Youth Leadership Council). http
  • July 18-20: IARSLCE 2018 COnference, JW Marriott, New Orleans, Los Angeles, EEUU.

Service-Learning: keys to its development at University

Coordinated by Anna Escofet Roig and Laura Rubio Serrano, from the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona, this recent work is organized in three blocks: "Definition and experiences”, “Key elements for the development of projects", and "For extension and improvement".
The book, with a prologue by Miquel Martínez, gathers reflections and experiences developed in Spain, and also includes two Latin American contributions: Chapter 4, written by Nieves Tapia (CLAYSS), presents a global panorama of service-learning in the world, and Chapter 8, by Chantal Jouannet Valderrama and other authors of the Catholic University of Chile, presenting the experience of institutionalization developed at that University. Posted by Octaedro, it is available (In Spanish) online at:

Presentations and videos of the 20th International Conference (in Spanish)

On the conference site, presentations can be downloaded and video lists (n in several parts for better viewing) can be accessed. Plenaries:

You can also check our YouTube channel to see them.

Latin American Center for Service Learning
Nonprofit civil society (Resolution IGJ 001270/03)
CLAYSS, Aprender sirve, servir enseña


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