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Nexus Jan-Mar 2016 - the Newsletter of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)

Please find featured below the latest issue of Nexus, the quarterly newsletter of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL).

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This issue of Nexus, the first of 2016, focuses on repositioning literacy within the framework of lifelong learning in order to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Enhancing the literacy, numeracy and basic skills of populations, particularly women and vulnerable communities, will help to create more sustainable societies. With this objective in mind, UIL is leading the establishment of the Global Alliance for Literacy, within the framework of lifelong learning. The Alliance will coordinate efforts to help Member States achieve the literacy-related target within the Education 2030 Framework for Action. SDG 4, which seeks to ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’, endevours to work towards a literate world population for everyone, and remains at the forefront of the work of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in supporting literacy initiatives around the world.
I hope you enjoy reading this edition of Nexus.
Arne Carlsen
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Repositioning literacy to meet the Education Agenda 2030
Global Alliance for Literacy
The Global Alliance for Literacy within the Framework of Lifelong Learning. Enhancing literacy, numeracy and basic skills in UNESCO Member States will play a key role in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To help Member States achieve the literacy-related target, UNESCO is working to establish a Global Alliance for Literacy within the framework of lifelong learning (GAL). UNESCO Headquarters and the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) therefore held a consultation meeting in Paris in February 2016 to seek the views of Member States on the proposed Alliance. In addition to stakeholders, this first consulation meeting was attended by twenty six ambassadors or their representatives, who will work with UNESCO to achieve the goals for the Alliance. GAL’s chief aim will be to promote literacy as a foundation for lifelong learning, focusing on the innovative use of technology and the establishment of explicit connections with the other Sustainable Development Goals. It will serve as a forum that connects key stakeholders and partners, aligns their activities towards a common purpose, creates platforms for sharing information and knowledge, and encourages Member States and various development partners to seek innovative solutions.
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RAMAA enters its second phase
UIL initiated the action research project RAMAA (Recherche-action sur la mesure des apprentissages des bénéficiaires des programmes d’alphabétisation) in West and Central Africa to help develop countries’ capacities for evaluating and monitoring literacy programmes at national and sub-regional levels. Five countries – Burkina Faso, Mali, Morocco, Niger and Senegal – participated in the successful implementation of the first phase of the project. As it enters its second phase, the project is widening in scope to include an additional seven countries: Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Togo. Representatives from the twelve African countries gathered at UIL on 23 and 24 February 2016 to evaluate the outcomes of the first phase of the project and to discuss the design and implementation of the second phase.
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Afghanistan increasing literacy and basic skills
A new curriculum framework adopted in Afghanistan will benefit nearly 10 million people who currently lack literacy, numeracy and basic skills. The framework, which was devised with support and guidance from UIL, was adopted at a workshop co-organized by UNESCO Kabul and the Deputy Ministry for Literacy Education. The adoption of the new framework is part of the third phase of the Enhancement of Literacy in Afghanistan project, which was launched by UNESCO Kabul in 2014 and aims to reach 630,000 adult learners by the end of 2016.
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Adult Learning and Education
The new UNESCO Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education has replaced the 1976 Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education. The new Recommendation, which was adopted at the UNESCO General Conference in 2015, responds to the international community’s request to revise the previous Recommendation to reflect current trends in tackling educational, cultural, political, social and economic challenges.
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Advancing Lifelong Learning
Recognition, validation and accreditation

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are preparing to establish a coherent system for the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of vocational competencies acquired through non-formal and informal learning. These countries are also in the process of developing policy frameworks to further adult education. They are working with UIL, the UNESCO Office in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV) to come up with practical frameworks adapted to their specific contexts.
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Learning Cities

Time for your city to become a member of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities?
More and more cities around the world are providing innovative lifelong learning opportunities for all of their citizens. This phenomenon is reflected in the rapid growth of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC), which currently has twelve member cities from all regions of the world. The Network’s secretariat, which is based in UIL, is now accepting membership applications. UNESCO encourages cities to become part of a Network that supports the practice of lifelong learning by promoting policy dialogue and peer learning among member cities.

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Is your city interested in hosting the 3rd International Conference on Learning Cities?
Following two successful International Conferences on Learning Cities – one in Beijing (2013) and one in Mexico City (2015) – UNESCO invites expressions of interest from cities that are members of the UNESCO GNLC to host the 3rd International Conference on Learning Cities in 2017.

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Supporting capacity building through research and policy studies
CONFINTEA Fellowship Programme
The UIL 2016 CONFINTEA Fellowship Programme is now open for applications. The fellowships last one month and will be awarded to six people. Applicants should be government officials or representatives of civil society organizations working in decision-making positions in the field of adult learning and education in UNESCO Member States. UIL particularly welcomes applicants from the Global South. The aim of this programme is to build the capacities of Member States and help them implement the Belém Framework for Action. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2016.

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2016 UIL Research Scholarships
Formally known as the CONFINTEA Scholarships, the 2016 UIL Research Scholarships are open to applications from researchers and education professionals from UNESCO Member States. The scholars will conduct research at UIL for one month under the supervision and guidance of a UIL researcher. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2016.

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UIL Learning Cities Research Scholarship Programme
The 2016 UIL Learning Cities Research Scholarship Programme will start in June 2016 and last for one month. The Scholarship is aimed at researchers and policy developers from UNESCO Member States who work and do research in the area of learning cities. Applications from researchers and policy developers from the Global South are particularly welcomed. The deadline for applications is 15 April 2016.

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Vacancy Opportunity
UIL’s Learning Cities team is expanding and seeks to appoint an experienced Project Officer. Apply now to join this innovative and dynamic learning team and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all of the world’s urban populations.
Application deadline: 10 April 2016
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Upcoming Events
4 April 2016: Signing of the new UNESCO Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education  at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France.
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5 April 2016: International workshop on how libraries support national literacy efforts at UIL, Hamburg, Germany.
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Narrowing the Gender Gap: Empowering Women through Literacy Programmes
This publication gathers examples of how gender mainstreaming has been successfully applied in adult literacy and numeracy programmes in eighteen countries.
The final report of the Impact of Distance Education on Adult Learning project sets out the findings of research carried out between October 2013 and November 2015. The report examines the interrelations of adult learning, higher education and distance education, and provides a set of recommendations for the development and implementation of programmes and national policies related to distance education.
Publications Catalogue 2016
An overview of all UIL publications can be found in the 2016 Publications Catalogue. This can be downloaded directly from the website.
Recent translations
Literacy and Education for Sustainable Development and Women’s Empowerment first published in English in 2014, is now available in Korean. This publication explores how and why literacy programmes can contribute to sustainable development and processes of women’s empowerment.
Linking Recognition Practices and National Qualifications Frameworks has been translated into Chinese. First published in English in 2013, this volume contains twenty-three country-specific reports from all five UNESCO regions on the linkages between national qualifications frameworks and the practices of recognition, validation and accreditation.
International Review of Education (IRE)
I. Special issue on ubuntu
The relevance of ubuntu for education is explored in a new special issue of IRE that was launched on 9 March 2016 at the 60th Annual Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference in Vancouver, Canada. Ubuntu originated in southern Africa and it is a concept that prioritizes a collective rather than individual approach to identity and meaning. The abstracts to each article and the introductions of issues as well as a selected number of articles are free to download from the publisher’s website:
II. Call for papers
Education researchers and professionals can now submit papers for the next issue of IRE. Priority will be given to papers on adult education, non-formal education, literacy and formal education viewed through the lens of lifelong learning. Manuscripts should be original and written in English or French, and they should not be under consideration by another journal or published elsewhere prior to submission.

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