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PIMA Newsletter No 11, April 2017

Please find featured below and attached the PIMA Newsletter No 11, for April 2017.

PIMA is part of the total PASCAL endeavour to promote and advance our shared values and purposes in a rapidly changing world. It seeks to support and complement the central thrust of Board policies, adding to the suite in ways and areas that the Board may not be able directly to undertake.

In this Issue we are challenged to think how to communicate more effectively among ourselves, and more influentially to share and disseminate our principles and understandings about what social and economic change is desirable, and how it can be advanced: “how much better are we getting at handling the new uncertainty, and the new discourse about alternative facts and fake news? Who creates and controls the discourse? How do we make our voices heard and heeded?”

In ‘letters from’ we have the informed views of correspondents in Australia, France and Germany on the state of the EU, and continue a consideration of tertiary and higher education with analyses of technical and further, or college, education in England, Canada and Australia.

Chris Duke

Secretary-General, PIMA


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