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On May 19, 2017, scholars and practitioners gathered for a second meeting of interest at City Seminary of New York in Harlem, NYC. This event was organized in collaboration with PASCAL and LearnLong Institute of Education and Learning Research, and hosted by the seminary.

Dr. Leodis Scott (Founder/President, LearnLong), Dr. Connie Watson (Vice-President, LearnLong) and Dr. Maria Liu Wong (Dean, City Seminary of New York; Research Scholar, LearnLong) presented an overview of the concept of “learning cities” and made connections to faith and spirituality through a comparative neighborhood study done in Philadelphia and New York using the EcCoWell approach on panel moderated by Dr. Pierre Faller (Teachers College, Columbia University). Participants came from a range of institutions, from local churches to The Interfaith Center and Teachers College’s Spirituality - Mind - Body Institute. The group discussed ways that faith and spirituality intersect with lifelong learning in an urban context, and there was a consensus of interest in further dialogue.

The second half of the gathering involved a neighborhood experiential activity inviting participants to take note of the following: How do you observe faith and spirituality present in the physical space of the neighborhood? What interactions indicate learning – whether formal, informal, or nonformal – is taking place? Capture these moments through photography or notes to share a thick description of what you witnessed. The event concluded with a large group debrief of observations, a walk through the “Glimpses of Grace in the City” exhibition at the Walls-Ortiz Gallery and Center, and networking over light refreshments.

The main takeaway from this gathering was a growing interest in the intersections of faith and spirituality, and the potential for collaboration and research amongst scholars from different disciplines as well as with faith-based practitioners. There may need to be further dialogue around the concept of “learning cities” for local New York participants, as it is still an emerging concept in North America. One thing to note: the group is not limited to faith-based learning, but is open to exploring spirituality in a broader sense and its connections to lifelong learning in the city.

A third meeting is planned on August 29, 2017 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST) with international participants from Scotland, England, Israel, and possibly other North American cities alongside interested parties from the May gathering. We look forward to formalizing the group structure and rotating leadership, and exploring a more concrete research agenda. Additional gatherings are planned for September 2017 in Cork, Ireland, to correspond with the UNESCO Learning Cities Conference as well as October 2017 in Pretoria, during the PASCAL International Observatory conference.

Those interested in joining any of these meetings should contact Dr. Maria Liu Wong or Dr. Connie Watson.


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