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New OECD education publications on global education trends

Two new OECD education publications on global education trends will be released at 13.00 CET/12.00 GMT on Monday 19 January 2015. These will then be presented in an international webinar on Tuesday 20 January at 17.30 Paris time. The publications are:

  • The Education at a Glance Interim Report: Update of Employment and Educational Attainment Indicators. This is the latest data frim the INES Network of Labour Market, Economic and Social Outcomes of Learning;
  • Education Policy Outlook: Making Reforms Happen. This publication analyses and compares policy trends and reforms across OECD countries since 2008 including equity in education, preparing students for the future, school improvement, evaluation and assessment, governance and funding. One of the strengths of OECD work on education has been comparative studies such as this which have particular value at a time of considerable change in education systms.

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