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Competence Passport is open

Dear Colleagues.

It is our pleasure and with pride that we present the framework of Compass, an educational philosophy and measurement format. The aim of Compass is to engineer the talents of our students in the most efficient and effect way. Students will be educated so that they are competence-ready for working-life. The match between the requirements of working-life and the talents of the students will be optimal.

Please feel free to comment on this concept.

Best regards

Hans Zwaga MSc Law

Senior lecturer of Marketing, Management and Internationalization
Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Business and Culture
Department of Business Management
Kauppa katu 29



ComPass site

Dear Colleagues.

The ComPass site has been changed. You can find the philosophy and a "partial" outlook of the measurement instrument here.

Enjoy reading.

Hans Zwaga


Click the image to visit site

Click the image to visit site