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Part Six of Toward the Building of Times Future (revised)

“Six” (below) is a revised draft of part of a literary experiment titled “Toward the Building of Times Future.”  It bears particularly on the PASCAL theme of employment creation.  It does not say anything I have not already said in previously published and mostly unread works, but it tries to say the same things over again in an engaging and accessible manner.   The text implies without being so obnoxious as to come out and say so that most anti-poverty programs are doomed to failure because their proponents do not understand Premise One:  Keynes was right and neoclassical economics is wrong.  Consequently they put too much emphasis on incorporating the poor into markets, and not enough emphasis on supplementing markets with livelihoods organized by non-commercial logics.  (The name “Keynes” refers to the English economist who wrote The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money and not to “Keynesian economics.”)





This is a very interesting paper and one which an organisation such as PASCAL can learn from. On the European side of the pond we tend to get the impession that the Chicago school of Neo- liberalism has absolute power in the world of economics and it's refreshing to read of alternatives, especially from the land of the tea party.  Naomi Klein (The Shock Doctrine) has been very eloquent in pointing out the dangers of neoliberalism while Katie Willis (Theories and practice of Development) points out that the experiments of the 80s have had such disastrous consequences on poverty, social breakdown and fiscal crisis that even the World Bank was forced to change its focus. But now we seem to be back to the dry as a bone ideology of Friedman and this total lack of flexibility is infecting the whole of the Western world. Surely there must be a viable alternative that lies somewhere between or beyond Keynes and Friedman. I may be an illiterate on economic theory and practice but it seems to me to be the right time to start a meaningful debate on the alternatives before the riots in England last week become the norm the whole world over. We might also link it to the social development message of a 'Learning Region' 


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