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Blogs by Theme - Place Management

Post-industrial Cities & Urban Resilience: Learnings from Scotland and the U.S. - a panel discussion - 22 March 2018, Glasgow

Glasgow and Pittsburgh are connected by a shared post-industrial history (focused on shipbuilding and steelmaking respectively), and also face similar challenges in terms of the future shape of their economies and communities. The RSA has been working in Pittsburgh to amplify economic and social strategies for post-industrial cities through the lens of resilience.

Happy New Year from Place Partners: two Sydney case studies

Place Partners is an Australian group looking a improving physical space and place for people engagement and enjoyment.  Here are two case studies that demonstrate the place transformations achieved: Drummoyne Village and a Telco campus (Optus Centre), both in Sydney. 

The City is a Thinking Machine - events to celebrate Sir Patrick Geddes

PASCAL subscribers may be interested in some of the events that have been organised this year from the Geddes Institute in Dundee to mark the centenary of Sir Patrick Geddes' most comprehensive work, Cities in Evolution (1915).

Nelson Mandela Annual lecture - Thomas Piketty

I'm Jane Thandi Lipman, filmmaker and journalist, and I recently attended the Nelson Mandela Annual lecture addressed by economist Professor Thomas  Piketty with my mother, Beata Lipman, veteran anti apartheid activist and scriber of the Freedom Charter. I thought that subscribers might be interested in hearing what PIketty had to say. 

Refugee Crisis - the work of GRAMNet in Glasgow

Given the high profile being given to the question of migration at the next PASCAL Conference in Catania subscribers may be interested to know that the Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet) is very active in debate and action.


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