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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

Local authorities and economic development in 2013 – can local dynamism counter a national low growth economy?

We are now over five years since the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2007-08 plunged the world (and UK) economy into recession, and just over half way through the five year term of the UK coalition government that began in May 2010. In this period the previously-accepted orthodox local economic development models – international, national and local – have been super-ceded by new agendas and approaches. However, a return to long-run sustainable growth and development seems elusive, and the optimum role and functions of LAs in this process remains ‘work-in-progress’.

Stakeholder consultation on Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes COM(2012) 699

This PASCAL Policy Insight paper has been submitted in response to a stakeholder consultation by the EU Committee of the Regions  on an EU policy paper on Rethinking Education:

Abstract: Whilst there are unresolved debates about the best way of calculating levels of youth unemployment, there is general consensus that rates are rising, and particularly so in those countries seriously affected by the current financial crisis, to the point where a ‘lost generation’ is at risk of being denied access to employment  and to other aspects of adulthood and citizenship .   There is no clear policy response from national governments beyond the extension of the repertoire of measures which have been tried with little success to date.  Nor is there a clear perspective from research about ‘what works’ among the approaches currently on offer.

Critical Studies in Education (CSE) - Call for Papers

Critical Studies in Education is one of the few international journals solely devoted to a critical sociology of education. Two questions frame the journal’s critical approach to research: (1) whose interests are served by current social arrangements in education and, (2) from the standpoint of the least advantaged, what can be done about inequitable arrangements? Informed by this approach, articles published in the journal draw on post-structural, feminist, postcolonial and other critical orientations to critique education systems and to identify alternatives for education policy, practice and research.

Carnegie Invites Institutions to Apply for 2015 Community Engagement Classification or Re-Classification - Applications Due Apr 15, 2014

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching invites  colleges and universities with an institutional focus on community  engagement to apply for the elective classification, first developed  and offered in 2006 as part of an extensive restructuring of the  Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

GINCO NEWS - January 2013

GINCO is a European wide network for improving professional development of adult education staff. In the network we share expertise, create and share useful material and enhance communication and cooperation in order to improve the quality of in-service training courses and of Grundtvig IST courses for adult educators.

Bielefeld follows up on Learning Report

Bielefeld, one of the cities participating in PIE, has been innovative in commissioning a Learning Report for the city prepared by the Bertelsmann Foundation and SOFI (Gottingen University) that adapted methodology derived by the Bertelsmann Foundation from the Canadian Composite Learning Index of the Canadian Council on Learning. This was used in the 2010 European Lifelong Learning Indicators (ELLI) report by the Foundation.


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