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PASCAL Library

The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

PASCAL featured in 'Best of the Web' listings in Guardian Higher Education Network newsletter

PASCAL is features in the 'Best of the Web' listings in this week's Guardian Higher Education Network newsletter, linking Hans Schuetzes blog  Community Engagement and University Rankings

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Best wishes


Guardian HE network

Practice in Participation

Practice in Participation ( is a web-based portal that is both a digital resource and a forum to contribute and access field-based knowledge on participatory practices. The portal has been developed as a tool for promotion of participation and empowerment of the hitherto excluded and marginalised citizens of our societies.

Growing importance of international qualifications affects training landscape

International qualifications - awarded by social partner organisations or multinational companies rather than public authorities - now cover fields as diverse as ICT, welding, sports, air transport, financial services and hairdressing. A recent Cedefop study - "International Qualifications" (featured below and attached for download) asks what this trend means for education and training standards and for the wider recognition of qualifications.

Call for papers: ESREA triennial conference, Berlin, September 4-7, 2013

I'm happy to announce that the conference website for the ESREA triennial conference taking place in Berlin September 4-7, 2013, is now open at: 

Featured below is the call for papers. Deadline for submission is January 15. 

Best wishes

Andreas Fejes

Associate Professor, PhD (Docent, Fil Dr)

Towards Common Criteria for Learning Communities and Cities (Second Extended Version)

Featured below and attached you will find the second and extended version of the framework document Towards Common Criteria for Learning Communities and Cities (Word and PDF).

You are most welcome to circulate the framework, as we are interested in all kinds of comments and reflections.

Best regards,

Jan Gejel

Xploit Coordinator

Cedefop Briefing Note "Preventing skill obsolescence" CRM:0032781

Cedefop's latest Briefing Note "Preventing skill obsolescence” is now available for you to download in your preferred language (German, Spanish, French, Greek, Italian and Portuguese) and format (PDF or eBook optimised for tablets and smartphones).

Please also find below direct links to our three previous Briefing Notes:


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