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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

UNESCO-UIS: Sustainable Development Group (SDG) 4 Webinar Series

Throughout September, the UIS is organizing a webinar series to highlight the technical and political initiatives underway to implement the new SDG education indicator framework. Special focus will be given to the areas that are difficult to measure, such as education quality, learning, equity and inclusion:

Call for partnership applications: Smile Together Partnership by the The Work Together Foundation

The Work Together Foundation is recruiting partner organizations and enterprises to work together in the Smile Together Partnership, which works towards resolving child poverty in developing countries by establishing and/or running effective social enterprises/organizations. This project will be greatly benefit our Associate Members and CityNet member city-related NGOs operating in your region.

Generations Working Together (GWT) training courses

These training courses will be of interest to those who are keen to embed intergenerational approaches within their programme of work.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this training participants will:

"Inequality: The Facts and the Future" - A report by Chifley Research Centre

The Inclusive Prosperity Commission is a major policy project of the Chifley Research Centre, the think tank of the Australian Labor Party. Since its launch in 2014, the Commission has been exploring the threat to Australia’s future economic growth presented by growing inequality – and new policies to respond.

European Climate Diplomacy Week Events

The landmark Paris Agreement signed last year provides a critical turning point to engage the global community to address climate change and embrace the opportunity for a net zero emissions future.

European Climate Diplomacy Week is September 12-16, a time when EU Delegations around the world reach out to communities and partner organisations, highlighting positive global action and collaboration on climate change.


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