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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Opportunity for early career researchers in the UK and Brazil

Dr Mathieu Turgeon and I are organising a workshop that will bring together Early Career Researchers who are studying affirmative action policies in Brazil. The workshop will take place from 6-9 December in Brasilia. Thanks to the generous support of the British Council Newton Fund, we will be able to cover reasonable travel, accommodation, and subsistence expenses for a number of scholars from both the UK and Brazil. ECRs are defined as being within 10 years of their PhD, not including career breaks.

UALL Draft Response to DBIS Teaching Excellence Framework Consultation

The Strategy Group, chaired by Tony Ellis (Leeds), has drafted the attached response, on behalf of UALL – and we would very much welcome your comments.  Your comments will then be collated by the Strategy Group and the final draft will be circulated to Executive for approval and publication.

Better Learning for a Better World through People Centred Smart Learning Ecosystems - Timisoara Declaration

We are happy to inform that the Timisoara Declaration - “Better Learning for a Better World through People Centred Smart Learning Ecosystems” signed on 19th of May in Timisoara by ASLERD, EADTU, EATEL, EDEN, IAFeS is featured below and is also available for download.

Proud to be England’s first UNESCO Learning City

A Bristol Learning City team was proud to share the Bristol journey to becoming a learning city at the PASCAL "Learning Cities 2040" Conference in Glasgow in early June.

Global Advisor Spotlight: Josef W. Konvitz (UN Global Compact - Cities Programme)

Josef W. Konvitz’s recently published Cities and Crisis comes just in time for the lead up to Habitat III. A historian, former diplomat and authority on economic governance and urban development, Konvitz is also a UN Global Compact – Cities Programme Global Advisor. He was responsible for the coordination between the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and UN Habitat in the preparation of the Istanbul 1996 Habitat II conference.


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