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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

UALL Members' Bulletin - February 2016

Please find featured below and attached the latest issue of the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) Members’ Bulletin, which I hope you will find of interest.

NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - Digest, Vol 63, Issue 4

In this issue we feature 13 current papers on the theme of social capital:

NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - Digest, Vol 63, Issue 3

In this issue we feature 12 current papers on the theme of social capital:

Launch of the Centre for Global Higher Education

The Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), the largest research centre in the world specifically focused on higher education and its future development, launched in London on 2-3 February. Based at UCL’s Institute of Education, CGHE will enable academics from across the globe to collaborate on research which will inform and improve higher education policy and practice.

Call for Expressions of Interest - Urban Big Data Centre

Would you like to investigate an urban research problem using big, complex, or administrative data? If so, the UBDC is here to help. We provide access to novel and innovative urban data, as well as expert research support.


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