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Creative Berlin: The Role of Culture and Creative industries for the Development of the Divided Capital City of Germany

Feb 14 2012 16:00
RMIT City Campus, Court Room 3, The Chancellery
RMIT Building 20, 124 La Trobe St

Cities all over the world aim to secure post-industrial employment and attract investment and qualified labour by promoting a creative image and creative industries. Can a city be creative? What is the creative capital of the city? What are the preconditions, what the obstacles to make a city creative? This presentation will examine theparticular circumstances of Berlin, and the part that the creative industries have played in the development of Berlin since reunification.

Speaker: Professor Dr. Klaus R. Kunzmann, Visiting Fellow and former Jean Monnet Chair

Professor Klaus Kunzmann was Director of Research of the School of Spatial Planning of the Technische Universität Dortmund in Germany from 1974 to 1993. Thereafter, until his retirement in 2006, he held a Jean Monnet professorship at the same university.

Klaus Kunzmann is a member of the German Academy of Spatial Planning and Research, a honorary member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RMIT) in Britain and a honorary member of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). In 1996 he received a honorary PhD from the University of Newcastle in the UK. He has published widely in German, English, French and Italian on European territorial development, on regional restructuring in traditional industrial areas, and on the role of culture and creative industries for urban and Regional development.

Free event. All welcome.
Please RSVP to [email protected].

European Union Centre at RMIT
Building 5, Level 2 Bowen Street
GPO Box 2476
Melbourne VIC 3001

Tel: +61 3 9925 8214
Fax: +61 3 9925 8220

Email: [email protected]


The European Union Centre at RMIT is funded through a grant from the European Union and RMIT University


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