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Sociocultural Dynamics Influencing Progress in Lifelong Learning Systems: From National to Regional Perspectives

Sep 28 2012

The MASON (Mainstream Socio-cultural Dynamics to enhance NLLLS (National Lifelong Learning Systems)) team invites the participation of Lifelong Learning policy planners and implementers (particularly at regional/local levels) as well as experts and the research community in the field of LLL to the workshop in Sofia. For more information about the upcoming event in Sofia, Bulgaria (28th September 2012) please contact the Paideia Foundation at office@paideiafoundation

MASON partners organized a earlier workshop on ‘Socio-cultural factors and practices shaping the lifelong learning landscape in Europe, Implications for LLL policy coherence’ in January 2012 in Heraklion, Greece). A full report is available through the above link.

The MASON Newsletter follows...


The host site

I am impressed by the structure of the home page within which MASON is a part. This is found at and like the Pascal, material is well organised, in this case by sub-theme of lifelong learning and by European country. I congratulate the designers.


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