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Learning for global health in cities - Community resilience and the strengthening of learning systems: an invitation to contribute

Here at the PASCAL Europe HQ in Glasgow we are working on a paper entitled "Learning for global health in cities - Community resilience and the strengthening of learning systems," in preparation for UIL’s 5th International Conference on Learning Cities in the Republic of Korea.

We invite all subscribers, especially those working in city administrations to contribute very short case studies according to the following format:

  1. An example of a learning initiative that has been a response to COVID-19
  2. What groups was it directed towards?
  3. Who initiated this programme? Was it top-down from government or the city? Or was it a grassroots initiative led by citizens or an NGO?
  4. Was technology a part of the delivery system? In what way?
  5. What has it revealed in terms of the capacity of your city and its citizens to respond to the pandemic?

The way we see it initiatives can take multiple forms. There are those :

  1. that seek to directly seek to educate/increase awareness of citizens about COVID that lie in the field of health education, and some of these seek to create more resilient citizens; and
  2. others that seek to adapt learning provision to mitigate the effects of COVID, for the example the use of distance education provision. In some cases there might an adaption of the content of the curriculum or the creation of new learning programmes that relate to the pandemic in an indirect way.

Also some of these initiatives stem from initiatives of government and city authorities and others are responses at grassroots level by citizens.

Some initiatives may be targeted at specific groups – for example the disabled, migrants/refugees, etc, etc

We are interested therefore in a wide range of possible interventions.

I attach a short pro-forma for you to complete, and would ask that if you have anything that you wish to offer that you return this to me ([email protected]) by Friday 1 July.

This is a good opportunity to feature your work in our report, and we hope to hear from you.

Many thanks


Michael Osborne
Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning and Director of Research
School of Education
University of Glasgow

learning_for_global_health_in_cities.docx14.02 KB

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