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The three things I've learned - lifelong learning debate in Catalonia

We are pleased that Professor Michael Osborne, Co-Director of PASCAL International Observatory and Director of CR&DALL at the University of Glasgow has agreed to contribute to a new online initiative we are launching linked to the project, Debates on Education, a project from the Open University of Catalonia and the Jaume Bofill Foundation.

In 2013 we celebrate 10 years of Debates on Education, during which time we have made over 40 conference-debates, in which we have invited international experts to contribute ideas, reflections and proposals to discuss the major challenges on education. You can find the videos, audios and text of all the conferences online..

In this context, we’re opening an online space for the participation, reflection, sharing ideas and especially the gathering of proposals that could contribute towards the improvement of the future of education in Catalonia. This space, which is named "Three Things I've Learned" has contributions from international and Catalans experts, but it is also opened for contributions from the entire educational community.

In order to encourage the online debate, every month, we propose a subject for debate and we are asking some experts, including Professor Osborne, to write three reflections to start the ball rolling. 

In July 2013, he will be contributing to the discussion “Lifelong learning: who and what for?” , and we invite you to visit the site and also make your contributions.


What are the 3 things you've learned about education?

Join us in this campaign about education. This month we are talking about LLL: who and what for?

What does lifelong education mean in the knowledge society? How can equality of opportunity be guaranteed in this process? How can a response be made to learning needs linked with life trajectories, not just professional trajectories? How should the learning that is acquired in the non-formal sector be recognized? How can individual commitment to one’s learning process be developed?

We invite you to make a contribution based on your experience. We would like you to tell us about what you know works well in education today and what you suspect can also work well in future educational scenarios. And above all, we would like you to talk about those things that have made you change your ideas. Looking forward to hearing from you at:


Valtencir M. Mendes

International Projects Co-ordinator
E. vmendes(AT)


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