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Universities' Third Mission

PASCAL featured in 'Best of the Web' listings in Guardian Higher Education Network newsletter

PASCAL is features in the 'Best of the Web' listings in this week's Guardian Higher Education Network newsletter, linking Hans Schuetzes blog  Community Engagement and University Rankings

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Best wishes


Guardian HE network

Practice in Participation

Practice in Participation ( is a web-based portal that is both a digital resource and a forum to contribute and access field-based knowledge on participatory practices. The portal has been developed as a tool for promotion of participation and empowerment of the hitherto excluded and marginalised citizens of our societies.

Incentivising Knowledge Exchange: a comparison of vision, strategies, policy and practice in English and Scottish HE

Please find below and attached a report funded by the Society for Research in Higher Education on incentivising knowledge exchange in English and Scottish Higher Education. The report was co-authored by Fumi Kitagawa and Claire Lightowler.

Canadian national discussion on community campus collaboration

Canada's Governor-General, the Rt. Honourable David Johnson presided over a working meeting of research funding bodies, national community university engagement networks, national community leaders and a number of others met on May 26, 2013 to discuss an initiative designed to strengthen the community university engaged scholarship movement in the country.

Big Tent Gathering at Barcelona World Conference on Higher Education - May 13-15, 2013

May 13 2013
May 15 2013

The Theme of the 5th Barcelona World Conference from 13-15 May 2013 will be "Lets Build Transformative Knowledge for Social Change"

This particular event is being designed as a space where the various and diverse regional and global networks interested in knowledge democracy and community-university engagement will have a wonderful opportunity to meet.  In particular it will be a great time for the members of the "Big Tent" group of regional and global networks of which Pascal is a part to have a chance to meet in person.

Free Seminar: Towards an Africanisation of Community Engagement and Service Learning

Jun 18 2012 12:30
RMIT City Campus
Building 37, Level 2, Meeting Room 1

The European Union Centre at RMIT University in conjunction with PASCAL International Observatory invites you to attend a public lecture “Towards an Africanisation of Community Engagement and Service Learning” with guest speaker Professor Julia Preece.

Call for abstracts! Topic: Measuring Community and Economic Development Outcomes

A call for abstracts is invited on the topic of Measuring Community and Economic Development Outcomes (Special Issue of Community Development: Journal of the CDS).

Federal and state governments, private organizations, foundations, and many other agencies with major investments in community and economic development have a growing interest in measuring outcomes from community and economic development efforts. Past evaluations have often relied mainly on employment and investment changes to measure outcomes. However, local development agencies recognize that these programs affect many groups throughout a community, and it is important to recognize and document other ways in which communities have changed. Jobs and private investment, while important, are not sufficient to evaluate community and/or economic development.  Moreover, systemic changes that can lead to higher employment and per capita income rates often take  years to show up in commonly used indicators. For example, the Community Capitals literature has recently been used by agencies to monitor changes in each capital.

U21 Lifelong Learning & Research Workshop - the Workshop in Action!

A U21 workshop on lifelong learning and research was held at Glasgow on May 14 and 15, 2012. Organised jointly by CR&DALL at the University of Glasgow and by the University of Auckland, New Zealand, the event offered the opportunity for 'blue-sky thinking' with regard to the engagement role of universities.

Lifelong learning driving universities’ ambitions? Dare we? Can we? Let’s! - U21 Lifelong Learning & Research Workshop

A U21 workshop on lifelong learning and research is being held at Glasgow in May 2012. Organised jointly by CR&DALL at the University of Glasgow and by the University of Auckland, New Zealand, the event is free and offers the opportunity for 'blue-sky thinking' with regard to the engagement role of universities.

The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - May 2012

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates, and which is a co-signatory to the September 23 2010 Communique "Enhancing North-South Cooperation in Community-University Engagement".


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