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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

NURA feasibility report

The Bradley Review in Australia recommended: 'That the Australian Government commission a study to examine the feasibility of a new national university for regional areas and, if the study indicates that a new national regional university is feasible, the Australian Government provide appropriate funding for its establishment and operation'. (Recommendation 17)

Xploit Project Mission Statement and NEWSletter June 2011

After a decade of developing lifelong learning initiatives and projects, the European Commission launched new actions in 2008 and 2009 focusing on the exploitation of available European lifelong learning resources.

The idea was to promote cooperation projects not developing new learning approaches, but developing sustainable platforms for exploitation and valorisation of existing resources, being produced within the lifelong learning actions or elsewhere.

Vacancies at Cedefop - Expert in socio-economic research and analysis/Seconded National Expert (SNE)

Expert in socio-economic research and analysis Cedefop/2011/4/AD

Cedefop invites applications for drawing up of a list of suitable candidates for the position of an Expert in socio-economic research and analysis, grade AD5, M/F.

Initial contract period: 5 years

Applications must be submitted on-line through the following link:

On-line application and text of the vacancy notice

Call for papers: Promoting conscious and active learning and aging: How to face current and future challenges?

The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra is organizing the International Conference "Promoting conscious and active learning and aging: How to face current and future challenges?" that will take place on 20 and 21 October 2011 in Plo II of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

C-E.N.T.E.R. - Competence, cooperation and communication in dissemination of EU project results

The C-E.N.T.E.R. project (Competence, cooperation and communication in the C-E.N.T.E.R. of dissemination of EU project results) is funded by the transversal action “Key Activity 4 – Dissemination and Exploitation” within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme.


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