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PASCAL Associates Directory

The global reach of PASCAL Associates is represented by the extensive list below and details of these individuals may be accessed by clicking on their title or picture from the directory listing below.


Name Position/Organisation Areas of Expertise Active
Dr Ron Faris


Lifelong Learning

Learning communities

Ron Faris's picture
Dr Ross Chapman


Place Management

  • Service delivery: Educational Management. Business Assessment/Training Consultancy. Organisational Psychologist
  • Policy: Various Educational Policy development /implementation. Business Consultancy/Coaching aimed at Policy development/implementation
  • Partnerships: Business Alliance Consultancy
Ross Chapman's picture
Professor Roy Leitch
  • International Education and collaboration;
  • Management of Universities;
  • Education Reform;
  • Major e-learning programmes and projects;
  • Quality Assurance processes and procedures in Higher Education.
Roy Leitch's picture
Emeritus Professor, School of Social Sciences, Arts and Management Queen Margaret University Russell Rimmer
Russell Rimmer's picture
Professor Shirley Walters

South Africa

Lifelong Learning

Socio-economic and political contexts of learning
Organisational development
Learning and working in Higher Education
`Learning Region` issues

Shirley Walters's picture
Ms Sonia Thompson


Lifelong Learning

I have substantial experience of working at all levels and leading teams of varying sizes from small community projects delivering at a neighbourhood level to influencing policy through research and shaping practice by working with Government departments. For instance I have worked as a member of the Department of Health and the National Institute for Mental Health in England (NIMHE) working group on developing the training framework for community development workers in BME communities.

Sonia Thompson's picture
Professor Stephanie Young


  • Strategies and policies for youth employment and the idea of a Lost Generation
  • Workforce and organisation development
  • Recruitment
  • Futures and design led thinking
Stephanie Young's picture
Suzanne Hattingh Performance Improvement Consultant

South Africa

Suzanne Hattingh's picture
Mr Terry Jagger

United Kingdom

Place Management

  • My areas of expertise include Project Management; Organisation Development; Regeneration; Partnerships/Investment; Change Management; Resource Management; Performance Management, the Built and Natural Environment.
  • Preferred methodologies depend upon the circumstances of each consultancy commission and client requirements demanding maximum flexibility from all involved in Quintillion.
Terry Jagger's picture
Professor Tom Schuller

  • Lifecourse analysis, including empirical, applied and theoretical work
  • Social capital and its application to educational policy and practice
  • Lifelong learning generally
Tom Schuller's picture


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