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Ecosystem Services Come To Town! - European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference 2013

The 2013 Ecosystem Services Come to Town  conference will bring people from many different professions and backgrounds together to understand how we can adapt cities to climate change by working with nature.

Attending will be European policy makers, urban planners, developers, contractors, city architects, landscape architects, community groups, utility companies and NGOs, amongst others.

International Experts

There are many great speakers confirmed, including:

  • Dr Iain McGilchrist, neuro-scientist and author will highlight how understanding 'the divided brain' will help us overcome the barriers to creating green infrastructure.
  • Europe's Commissioner on the Environment, Janez Potocnik, will explain how the EU is planning to boost ecosystem services in our cities.
  • Dr. William Bird, Founder and Director of Intelligent Health, UK, has advocated for over a decade the need to maintain green space for health.
  • John Little, Director of The Grass Roof Company, and Grounds Manager, Clapton Park Estate, UK, has been building small scale green roofs and working with residents to transform the grounds of housing estates for over a decade.

More speakers will be confirmed over the coming weeks, and you can visit our website  to stay informed of the latest speaker additions.

Ecosystem Services Come to Town
25 - 28 November 2013
The Grange City Hotel
8-14 Cooper’s Row
London EC3N 2BQ


Link to EcCoWell

Thanks Kate and you can see the link here with EcCoWell and the event hosted by Cork City last week that brought together perspectives from the environment, LLL and health. There will be a follow-up event focusing on health perspectives of learning cities in Glasgow on 5 December, details of which will be posted before long.


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