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Some Efforts to Institutionalize Learning Opportunities... So Far

The DeWitt Creativity Group is working with other DeWitt High School teachers to tie more schoolwork and curricular objectives to activities and events. A good example of this is the creation of the DeWitt Research and Development Lab. This is an independent study class that was created due to the networking of the DCG. Students determine the topics that they want to research (they decided upon bio-fuels).

The DCG has contacted numerous individuals and organizations throughout Michigan to create opportunities for students to develop partnerships with the following: Oakland University Clean Energy Center, OUINCubator, Michigan State University Biotechnology Labs, and MichBio (statewide organization that promotes the biotechnology industry in Michigan). Students have toured research facilities, received donations of equipment to build a bio-reactor, and worked alongside professional research scientists.

Additionally, the DCG met with Dr. Stephen Rapundalo, head of MichBio, to integrate DHS students into MichBio events such as "biomixers" where biotechnology professionals gather once a month to network. Several of our students attended one of these events and gained many valuable contacts as a result. Also, Dr. Rapundalo is in the process of setting up guest speakers from the biotechnology industry to come speak at DeWitt High School. One individual who may speak at DeWitt High School next year is  the co-inventor of Lipitor, Roger Newton. Finally, Dr. Rapundalo will help to locate and help The DRDL to acquire reconditioned lab equipment for low cost (please refer to the DCG Web site and YouTube channel for documentation of these activities).


Tianjin Eco-City

China and Singapore are collaborating in a Tianjin Eco-City initiative nwhich aims to provide a model for sustainable vdevelopment for other cities in China and elsewhere. The project aimsw to transform what is a wasteland into a thriving and liveable city where ecological rehabilitation is carefully balanced with urban development.

A feature of planning is the cellular layout where cells of basic community constitute a neighbourhood, and a number of neighbourhoods constitute a district. Amenities are planned at the cell and neighbourhood levels.

This project builds on the experience of Singapore in sustainable city development which is encapsulated in the work of the Singapore Centre for Liveable Cities. The Centre earlier this year hosted the World Cities Summit and a companion Mayors Conference. An account of the Tianjin Eco-City can be read in the inaugural July 2012 issue of Urban Solutions, the magazine of the Centre ( ), or accessed from the Tianjin Eco-City site (  The initial issue of Urban Solutions also contains an address by the Mayor Of New York, Michael Bloomberg, which outlines a number of initiatives taken by New York to enhance the environment and liveability of New York. New York won the Lee Kuan Yew Prize for urban development in 2012


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