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Blogs by Theme - Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies

The attached document produced by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning provides a comprehensive set of links lifelong learning policy and strategy documents from UNESCO Member States and international organizations. It will be an excellent resource for many subscribers.

On the way to 2020: data for vocational education and training policies

This new publication from CEDEFOP, On the way to 2020: data for vocational education and training policies, will be of interest to many subscribers. We feature the English version below, translations are available from the CEDEFOP website.

9th international conference DisCo 2014: Media literacy education from pupils to lifelong learning in Prague, 23-25 June

The 9th international conference DisCo 2014: Media literacy education from pupils to lifelong learning will be organised between 23.-25.6.2014 by the Centre for Higher Education Studies and New Media Studies at the Department of Information Science and Librarianship at Faculty of Arts of Charles University.

Contact: [email protected]

"If you could do one thing..." Nine local actions to reduce health inequalities

A new British Academy publication, "If you could do one thing..." Nine local actions to reduce health inequalities (featured below), collates opinion pieces on health inequalities from leading social scientists. Each of the authors has written an article, drawing on the evidence base for their particular area of expertise, identifying one policy intervention  that they think local authorities could introduce to improve the health of the local population and reduce health inequalities.

Adult Education in Universities. Local and Regional Perspectives - Iasi, Romania

PASCAL is pleased to announce that it has agreed to be a sponsor of the Fourth International Conference on Adult Education - Adult Education in Universities. Local and Regional Perspectives from Sunday 27th – Wednesday 30th April 2014 in Iasi, Romania (see also the event details here on PASCAL).


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