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Blogs by Theme - Lifelong Learning

Policies Supporting Adult Education for a Sustainable Life Course: Asian and European perspectives - Glasgow - 7/8 June

If you are planning to come to Glasgow for the PASCAL Conference from 3-5 June, you may also want to consider another event that is happening subsequently.

Global Citizenship Education - new publication from DVV

We are very happy to inform you that Issue 82/2015 of the international journal Adult Education and Development (AED) on “Global Citizenship Education” has been published in English, French and Spanish. Printed copies are available via [and PASCAL features the English version below].

Should students from poorer homes be admitted to university with lower grades?

The interim report of the Commission on Widening Access to HE in Scotland has recently been published together with a summary of evidence submitted.  The report, the summary of evidence, and my own submission on behalf of  the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL) can be found at this link

EPALE Seminar in Catania on Migration and Adult Education

Following on from the PASCAL Conference which included a major focus on the issues of migration, the University of Catania is please to be holding an EPALE conference on 20 November concerned with the training of adult educators who are working with migrants. Details are attached.

EPALE is the European Commission's electronic platform for Adult Learning.



Communities of Practice in Lifelong Learning - an Invitation

We are currently involved in a project called DISCUSS (see, which is supported by PASCAL about the development of communities of practice in lifelong learning. We know that many PASCAL subscribers have had many years of experience in such communities and wonder if some of you would be willing to write a short blog (just one page of response only is needed) about some of your experiences in the context of projects in the field of lifelong learning.


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