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Mike Osborne's blog

Shanghai International Forum on Construction of Urban Lifelong Education and Learning Community

Featured here is Dr Lesley Doyle of the University of Glasgow and a PASCAL Associate following her keynote address on the topic of lifelong learning anf work at the recent Shanghai International Forum on Construction of Urban Lifelong Education and Learning Community:

PASCAL Associate Professor Ivan Grdešić has been appointed as Croatian Ambassador to the UK

We are very pleased to report that Pascal Associate, Professor Ivan Grdešić has been appointed as Croatian Ambassador to the UK. Here we see him with the President and Prime Minister of Croatia, receiving his orders. We wish him the very best in his new position in London.

EU Study Visits in education and training - 20 days to apply

This notice from CEDEFOP may be of interest to subscribers in Europe

Learn more about education and training policies and practice across Europe and establish new contacts for further cooperation and exchange. Get a grant from the European Union and explore education and training issues with specialists and decision-makers from other European countries. 

Lectureship in Adult Education - University of Glasgow

Details of a new post within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, the European base of PASCAL are found here. The person appointed will join an expanding staff grouping in the field of post-compulsory education.

The Main Duties and Responsibilities are as follows:

2013 LLP call from the EC

The new call for proposals within the European Commission's Lifelong Programme has been issued and can be found here. This will be of interest to many colleagues, and you will see that the programme now integrates elements that were once seperate from the LLP including the Tempus programme for capacity building of HE in states adjacent to the EU.

Digital revolution bypassing UK education

The following is taken from a recent report on technology-enhanced learning in the UK. Whilst it refers specifically to schools, I wonder if the same statements could also be made in relation to all areas of education, formal and norm-formal.

The Cape Town Statement of 2001 on the Characteristic Elements of a Lifelong Learning Higher Education Institution

I was reminded of the Cape Town statement recently by Jin Yang of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg. It was developed at the conference on Lifelong Learning, Higher Education and Active Citizenship held from the 10 - 12 October 2000 in Cape Town, co-hosted by University of Western Cape, the UNESCO Institute for Education and the Adult Education Research Group of the Danish National University of Education. I attach it here for us to reflect on how in the past decade universities have progressed in relation to the criteria laid out in the statement.

Understanding Society Findings 2012

Understanding Society is an initiative by the UK's Economic and Social Research Council, which contains headline findings from the UK Household Longitudinal Survey. This offers data on 14 topic areas using results from approximately 100,000 individuals in 40,000 households, as well as young people aged 10-15. Topics include social support networks, housework and gender, risky behaviours of 10-15 year olds, population diversity, employment and racial discrimination, immigrants and overseas remittances, higher education and social background, working hours, employment and the recession, sports participants and measuring well-being:

Supporting & Embedding CPD for Business & Community Engagement

This project may be of interest. Led by JISC and AURIL (Association of University Research and Industry Links) in the UK, Supporting & Embedding CPD for Business & Community Engagement is a collaboration between sector stakeholders.

Why is municipal self-government important at the present moment?

Readers may be interested in the introduction to a new book, entitled the Cornerstones of Municipal Self-Government, edited amongst others by PASCAL Associate, Professor Jari Stenvall from the University of Lapland in Finland. The introduction, 'Why is municipal self-government important at the present moment?' is featured below.


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