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Blogs by Theme - Lifelong Learning

Silver workers - golden opportunities - Exploring the benefits of investing in an ageing workforce

A number of projects within PASCAL, including currently THEMP, are concerned with the benefits of lifelong learning for older learners. A briefing report from CEDEFOP entitled, Silver workers - golden opportunities - Exploring the benefits of investing in an ageing workforce, provides a useful backdrop to that debate and is featured below.

UNESCO Chair - GACER News - January 17, 2013

A few conference alerts and other items people have passed to us. Hope you are well. We are particularly keen that you and your colleagues put in a proposal in to share your innovative practices and take part in the Barcelona event.  This will be the only event in the coming years with a global mandate and a focus on Knowledge, Transformation and Higher Education.  PLEASE pass this on to others in your networks.

Thank you

Rajesh Tandon and Budd L Hall


EU Study Visits in education and training - 20 days to apply

This notice from CEDEFOP may be of interest to subscribers in Europe

Learn more about education and training policies and practice across Europe and establish new contacts for further cooperation and exchange. Get a grant from the European Union and explore education and training issues with specialists and decision-makers from other European countries. 

2013 LLP call from the EC

The new call for proposals within the European Commission's Lifelong Programme has been issued and can be found here. This will be of interest to many colleagues, and you will see that the programme now integrates elements that were once seperate from the LLP including the Tempus programme for capacity building of HE in states adjacent to the EU.

Digital revolution bypassing UK education

The following is taken from a recent report on technology-enhanced learning in the UK. Whilst it refers specifically to schools, I wonder if the same statements could also be made in relation to all areas of education, formal and norm-formal.


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