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Introducing the SOCIAL CAPITAL Webinar Series (USA)

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities's (APLU) Commission on Innovation invites you to join us for a series of conversations regarding the most critical aspects of innovation ecosystem development — creating trust and building social capital.

This unique program id designed to be more talk show than webinar, with emphasis placed on conversation over presentation.

Random Reflections - April 1, 2014

In some parts of the world, today is April Fool’s Day; any action is suspect on this occasion. Another set of random reflections below, however, are authentic:

Learning Cities 2020 Workshop Series - Call for papers for the PASCAL workshop in Tampere 12-13 June

This is a reminder that there is still time to submit papers and to register for the Learning Cities 2020 Workshop in Tampere, Finland on 12-13 June 2014. You will find the call for papers for this PASCAL workshop entitled Cities learning together - public administration as a domain for smart solutions at this link.

Climate change and sustainable development goals

A new blog post by Joy Hyvarinen ( considers climate change and the new sustainable development goals. It suggests that thinking about the climate treaty’s goal to slow climate change to a level that is not dangerous could help to design the new goals.

Leading Community Change

PASCAL Associate Norman Walzer will lead a discussion on common elements of successful community change activities in Midwestern communities, based on his research of best practices.

Governance of Electoral Democracy

Global expansion of democracy has come to be associated with the ‘right to vote’ to elect the representatives who form the government every 4 or 5 years. Many countries around the world are now electoral democracies, though not necessarily substantive democracies.

Science and Society Community Challenge Grant Scheme

For those in UK, a new funding option is available. This new scheme offers financial support to individuals and organisations, to create and run pilot projects which take science to diverse audiences, and engage them with science in their own communities. Opening date: 10 March 2014; closing date: 16 May 2014.

For more information go to this link.

The Future of Cities

I was pleased to be amongst those invited to a discussion on the Future of Cities in Glasgow on Friday 14 March, run by the Government Office for Science, and chaired by the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport, and Sir Alan Wilson, Professor of Urban and Regional Systems at University College London and Chair of the Future of Cities Lead Expert Group.

Seminar on “Community Engagement in Higher Education” and launch of the GUNi World Report 5 on Higher Education

On the 5th of March’ 2014, a seminar on “Community Engagement in Higher Education”, was held at the Planning Commission in New Delhi. The Seminar witnessed participation from the academia, government and NGOs.

State Education Dialogue on Strengthening Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutions in India

In Siliguri (West Bengal), Chandigarh (Punjab) and Delhi during the period 3-7 March 2014, PASCAL Director Mike Osborne was very pleased to be part of three events concerned with strengthening community engagement in HE in India.


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