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Random Reflections for the Month of August, 2014

Here is another round of it for your perusal:

Atlantic Creative Cities to gather in Plymouth

On September 19, to coincide with the Ocean City Festival and the new round of European funding programmes, the city of Plymouth and Plymouth College of Art are hosting a meeting between stakeholders across the European Atlantic Sea Board, linked to the Creative and Cultural Industries.

The 80/20 Report - Local Government in 80 Indicators after 20 Years of Democracy

Herewith attached is a very recent report on the state of Local Government in South Africa (RSA), published by the Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR), which subscribers may find interesting.

Making a Commonwealth Games Legacy Meaningful - a new International Legacy Network is launched

PASCAL, with links to Melbourne and Brisbane, Montreal and Vancouver, Barcelona, Helsinki, Glasgow and Manchester - all cities on 3 continents which have hosted or will host the Commonwealth Games or other mega-events such as the Olympics - can expect to play a role in developing the International Legacy Network, described in the attached documentation, and in building a tool kit to use the lessons of experience and facilitate knowledge exchange.

Debating the 2014 Legacy: What will it mean for Glasgow?

What will Glasgow’s 2014 legacy be? While the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games are first and foremost a festival of sport and a showcase of the city and nation, the Games are underpinned by expectations that they deliver various long-term legacy outcomes.

Knowledge, Occupation and Violence: Limits of Knowledge Democracy?

As part of the on-going ‘mainstreaming community-based research’ project of our UNESCO Chair we are developing a series of case studies on community-university research partnerships looking at policies and supportive structures making it possible for university based academics and civil society academics to work together in the co-creation of knowledge for a better future.

Maximum Governance of BRICS

The sixth Summit of heads of state/government from 5 BRICS countries is taking place today at Fartaleza, Brasil. The Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is attending his first multi-lateral meeting of this club of large economies outside the OECD. In the course of this Summit, the leaders of Brasil, China, Russia, India and South Africa are moving towards creating two new global financial institutions.

Report for Delegates of the Entrepreneurial Learning City Regions Symposium, Swansea 2014

On May 21st 2014 Swansea University hosted a Symposium entitled Entrepreneurial Learning City Regions. It was attended by forty-five invited delegates drawn from the Swansea Learning City initiative and from a number of countries engaged in developing entrepreneurial learning city regions.

Inauguration of Learning Cities Networks, a PASCAL Learning Cities 2020 project:

The Chairman of the PASCAL Governing Board, Dr Josef Konvitz, issued the following statement today on the inauguration of the new program of Learning Cities Networks, a PASCAL Learning Cities 2020 project:

Ripples - Winter 2014 Newsletter of the Australian Learning Communities Network

Please find attached the winter 2014 newsletter of the Australian Learning Communities Network. This includes reports of the recent Learning Cities workshops in Frankston, Canberra and Townsville, at which Mike Osborne, PASCAL director in Europe, spoke (and much more).


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