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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

Inaugural GINCO Quality Awards presented at Hasselt Conference: Quality Course Provision for Grundtvig IST

One of the GINCO activities aiming at raising the quality of delivery of Grundtvig IST courses is the GINCO Award. Up till now the quality control of Grundtvig courses has been limited to the feedback the course participants give to their National Agency when sending in their reports. In the case of negative feedback by the participants the NA of the organizing country contacts the course organiser to check what went wrong and discusses measures to improve things. Repeated negative feedback can lead to removal from the data base. But a real quality label does not exist. Therefore the GINCO Award selection – a ‘test’ quality label for Grundtvig courses – has been carried out by the GINCO network in 2012 in cooperation with the National Agencies.

High-level group issues ‘wake-up call’ for Member States to address literacy crisis

The report states that literacy is a ‘big deal’ because:

  • The labour market requires ever higher literacy skills (by 2020, it is estimated that 35% of all jobs will require high-level qualifications compared to 29% today);
  • Social and civic participation are more literacy-dependent in the digital world;
  • The population is ageing and their literacy skills, including digital literacy skills, need updating;
  • Poverty and low literacy are locked in a vicious circle, each fuelling the other;
  • Growing mobility and migration are making literacy more and more multilingual, combining a wide range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

The Crisis in Higher Education - Technology Review

Online versions of college courses are attracting hundreds of thousands of students, millions of dollars in funding, and accolades from university administrators. Is this a fad, or is higher education about to get the overhaul it needs?

An interesting and informative article in Technology Review by Nicholas Carr.

Proposals due Nov 15 for CU Expo 2013: The Canadian-led international conference on community-university partnerships

Proposals are due Nov 15 to present at CU Expo, the Canadian-led international conference on community-university partnerships, set to take place June 12-15,

2013 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland.  The CU Expo website is now live and information on proposal submission is posted at

PASCAL featured in 'Best of the Web' listings in Guardian Higher Education Network newsletter

PASCAL is features in the 'Best of the Web' listings in this week's Guardian Higher Education Network newsletter, linking Hans Schuetzes blog  Community Engagement and University Rankings

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Best wishes


Guardian HE network

Practice in Participation

Practice in Participation ( is a web-based portal that is both a digital resource and a forum to contribute and access field-based knowledge on participatory practices. The portal has been developed as a tool for promotion of participation and empowerment of the hitherto excluded and marginalised citizens of our societies.


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