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Launch of the Atlantic City of the year 2017 contest

Last 10 March, in Liverpool, the Conference of the Atlantic Arc Cities launched the “Atlantic City of the year 2017” competition, that will be open until 15 September, 2016.

The Ethics of Building Great Communities

Listen to the words of Arif Hasan, a well-known architect in Karachi, as he describes an ethic that protects the environment, supports communities and encourages diversity in the process of planning future places. 

Strengthening the employment outcomes of adult and community education in rural Western Victoria, Australia

This research, entitled "Decent Training for Decent Work", commissioned by the Grampians Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Regional Council, Department of Education and Training (DET) in Victoria, Australia, investigates the issues impacting on achieving strong employment outcomes for the most disadvantaged learners in rural locations.

Overcoming the challenges of delivering adult and community education in rural South West Victoria, Australia

Research, entitled "Learning Locally", commissioned by the Barwon South-West (BSW) Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Regional Council, Department of Education and Training (DET) ) in Victoria, Australia. examined the issues regarding the complexities and costs of service delivery in rural locations and considered the recent closures or mergers of a number of Learn Local Organisations (LLOs).

Museums 101 - A Model for Learning Cities

The Chicago Tribune (6 March 2016) has published a guide to help the public navigate Chicago's numerous cultural attractions; this provides a great model for other learning cities.

See the link below:

PASCAL at Northern Illinois University - Common Ground on Water

What do a blustery Illinois, the tropical paradise of Long Island in the Bahamas and the rocky state of Maine have in common?  Each is dealing with a precarious state of water resources and is engaging citizens to address such issues.  These initiatives are building on local assets - celebrating their place. 

Think Globally/Eat Locally Film Link

This documentary which premiered at the PASCAL conference in Catania, tells the story of the development of a local food system in DeKalb, Illinois.  Enjoy!

'Think Globally/Eat Locally' is the story of DeKalb County Illinois' community-led efforts to address the need to increase the production and distribution of locally grown foods to improve, health and nutrition, foster community building and promote reconnection with one of our most basic needs—the need to come together to provide food for ourselves and for our communities.

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – March 2016

It will soon be the Ides of March; and everything around seems to be unsettled. Here is another round for your perusal:

A Knowledge Zone of Ideas, Progress, and Free People: The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) is an association of more than 230 public research university systems in Canada, Mexico, and the United States.  Find a statement of their committment to learning from each other in cross-border exchanges below:

City Showcase Presentations

One of the highlights of the PASCAL 2016 Conference in Glasgow will be the City Showcase presentations for 14 cities around the world. The presentations will include cities in Asia, Europe, and Oceania and will show a number of creative innovations in learning city development that will inform future directions for learning cities.


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