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The latest news from the UK Men's Sheds Association - on tour in Scotland 7-11 December!

Here is the latest news from the UK Men's Sheds Association. Amongst other things, on 7 December the Scottish Men's Sheds Association is to take to the roads of Scotland to meet Shedders and interested parties in Govan, Glasgow (7 Dec), Oban (8 Dec), Inverness (9 Dec) and Fife (11 Dec).

CityNet to sponsor 13th PASCAL International Conference

We are delighted that our longstanding partner, Citynet based in Seoul, has agreed to be a sponsor of the 13th PASCAL Conference in Glasgow, 3-5 June, 2016. You will find an overview of Citynet in the SPONSORS section of the Conference website. We are also very pleased that Vijay Jagannathan. President of Citynet, has agreed to join one of PASCAL's Special Interest Groups that is working to forge stronger links with cities across the world. More details of this will be announced shortly.

Global Citizenship Education - new publication from DVV

We are very happy to inform you that Issue 82/2015 of the international journal Adult Education and Development (AED) on “Global Citizenship Education” has been published in English, French and Spanish. Printed copies are available via [and PASCAL features the English version below].

PASCAL 2016 in Glasgow, 3-5 June 2016, Strand 1 Inclusion: providing lifelong learning opportunities for all

Inclusion has been central to the concept of a learning city from the beginning. While useful work has been undertaken in addressing exclusion in both the PASCAL International Exchanges (PIE) and Learning Cities Networks (LCN) programs, global contextual shifts and issues with mass migration flows, instability and high unemployment in many countries, and structural industry changes have raised a new generation of exclusion issues to add to the traditional issues in various stages of the lifecourse. PASCAL will be addressing these issues at their 13th International Conference in Glasgow, 3-5 June, 2016.

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – December 2015

Here is another round of random reflections for your perusal:

Bologna Regulation for the Care and Regeneration of the Urban Commons

I came across this today which I think will be of interest to PASCAL subscribers: Bologna Regulation for the Care and Regeneration of the Urban Commons. The full text is featured below as is a summary of the most salient points.

NEW ESREA BOOK. Researching and Transforming Adult Learning and Communities The Local/Global Context

FREELY AVAILABLE AS AN OPEN ACCESS BOOK! Featured below and also available through Sense Publishers.

Can adult education and learning be understood without reference to community and people’s daily lives? The response to be found in the chapters of this volume say emphatically no, they cannot. Adult learning can be best understood if we look at the social life of people in communities, and this book is an attempt to recover this view.

OECD LEED Webinar Series on "Local economic resilience and adaptability to long-term challenges" - 1 and 2 December 2015

The OECD LEED research project “Building resilience through greater adaptability to long-term challenges” aims to explore the link between local resilience and the capacity to adapt to long-term challenges such as ageing populations and the shift to a green economy.

We the City by Andrew Petter, President and Vice-Chancellor of Simon Fraser University

Andrew Petter, the President of Simon Fraser University (SFU), has done a nice poem that I think that PASCAL's city networks would enjoy:

Should students from poorer homes be admitted to university with lower grades?

The interim report of the Commission on Widening Access to HE in Scotland has recently been published together with a summary of evidence submitted.  The report, the summary of evidence, and my own submission on behalf of  the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL) can be found at this link


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