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Ripples - Summer 2016 Newsletter of the Australian Learning Community Network (ALCN)

Please find featured below and attached the Summer 2016 issue of the newsletter Ripples, from the Australian Learning Communities Network (ALCN):

Submissions to The Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education

Dr Brian Richard, a Senior Research Associate of the Center for Governmental Studies at NIU, is currently editor of The Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education, an online, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of university-led economic development.

New Associates - PASCAL's Africa Centre for Economic Development

In September Marius Ventus informed the PASCAL Board that the Africa Centre has appointed a number of PASCAL Associates in South Africa.

The motivation for this is that a stronger credibility will lead to a greater network in Africa because each South African Associate brings a whole “Africa” network with him or her.

Today, we highlight three of the New Associates and link you to their profiles:

Learning cities: developing inclusive, prosperous and sustainable urban communities - available in Mandarin

I am pleased to report that the special issue of the International Review of Education, edited by PASCAL Director Mike Osborne, LCN Director Peter Kearns and the former leader of the UNESCO’s Learning Cities initiative, Jin Yang, on the topic of learning cities is now available in Mandarin with the ISBN 978-7-5191-0206-7.

PASCAL Observatory Africa Centre for Economic Development: Highlight Report on Learning City Project - Theewaterskloof

The PASCAL Observatory Africa Centre for Economic Development is building a network of PASCAL Associates with the aim of developing a larger set of connections within Africa. The Centre is also commencing work on two ‘learning city’ projects.

University of Glasgow invited to join UNESCO's prestigious Universities Network

I am very pleased to report that the University of Glasgow has been asked to establish the first UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts. The chair holder is our colleague, Professor Alison Phipps to whom we offer our congratulations from PASCAL.

Please find featured below and attached the press release for the UNESCO programme. There is a feature on it in the press today and the BBC is working with Alison on a programme feature. An Early Day Motion is published today in Westminster Parliament congratulating the University.

International Panel for Social Progress

I am one of the lead authors of the Education chapter for the International Panel for Social Progress (modelled on the International Panel for Climate Change).  The whole report is now out for consultation and so if you can spare a bit of time the IPSP team would love to hear your thoughts on the Education chapter or any other chapters that interest you.

Taipei and Cork Learning Neighbourhoods pilots

A worthwhile outcome of the PASCAL International - Learning Cities 2040 gathering, was the exchange between Taipei and Cork on their Learning Neighbourhoods pilots. 

PASCAL 2016 Conference - Learning City Showcase Profiles

An ambitious program within the 2016 PASCAL International Conference: Learning Cities 2040, was the collation of the 17 Learning City Showcase Profiles developed by delegate teams participating from Asia (Beijing, Taipei, Erbil, Modi'in, Duhok, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Asia-Europe (Sino-German Initiative [Essen & Changzhou]), Europe (Cork, Bristol, Glasgow, Swansea Bay City Region, Limerick, Karlstad, Pécs, Acireale, Arbroath), and Oceania (Australian Learning Communities Network).

Learning and Place - new newspaper from PASCAL

Today sees the first edition of the new PASCAL daily newspaper 'Learning and Place', which replaces the long-running 'Observations' paper. Content in 'Observations' had become more and more diverse as PASCAL's Twitter following continues to grow.  The new paper will be more focussed on the PASCAL themes, drawing together the best pieces from social media into one convenient place.


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