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International Town-Gown Association - Survey on University-City Relations

ITGA (International Town-Gown Association) are running a survey at the moment looking at university/city relations which may be of interest to RUR members.

Random Reflection April 2013

Like all years, today is April Fool’s Day; but my reflections are no less random:

Northern Illinois University Names New President

Join me in welcoming Dr. Douglas Baker as the 12th president of Northern Illinois University!

More details are available here:

Development of a Network of Learning Cities & the Learning Cities Index - Dumfries, March 27, 2013

Dr Jin Yang (UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning [UIL]) led this seminar at the Dumfries University of Glasgow Crichton Campus in the CR&DALL Seminar Series 2012/13 with Peter Kearns and Dr Roberta Piazza (University of Catania) as respondents.

Strathclyde University Discussion - Cities East and West

Hosted by the Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) on Monday 25 July 2013, Peter Kearns opened the discussion with a presentation on the globalised approach to developing learning cities.  This was a fitting centre through which to introduce these perspectives as participants came from a range of universities and colleges.

Class-Divided Cities in the United States (Richard Florida)

At The Atlantic Cities (Place Matters), Richard Florida has been sharing reports on class divides across America's largest cities and metros.  These reports examine the residential locations of today's three major classes: the shrinking middle of blue-collar workers; the rising ranks of the knowledge, professional, and creative class; and the even larger and faster-growing ranks of lower-paid, service workers, using detailed data from the American Community Survey.

How Do We Finance Walkable Neighborhoods?

An interesting essay posted on  See the posting here.

PIE Glasgow Brainstorming Report - Cross-sectoral Approaches to Building Sustainable Opportunity Cities

This brainstorm in the CR&DALL seminar series at the University of Glasgow was held in collaboration with the Adam Smith Research Foundation on 26 March 2013.  Peter Kearns led the session with Dr Roberta Piazza and Professor Norman Longworth as respondents.

Visual harvest of EcCoWell Seminar

One of the interesting innovations adopted at the Cork Seminar on EcCoWell was to commission a firm called Think Visual to produce a set of 'cartoon like' images with key ideas from the seminar as a "visual harvest".

These were done quickly during the presentation and then presented on the screen at the conclusion of the seminar. 

The visual images are attached.  We found this a usual way of encapsulating the key points from the discussios and you will see that 10 tips I gave were summed up also.

Collective Impact: Let's Hear Some Discussion for a Change!

I've hardly ever seen anyone make a comment on the PASCAL website.  I find this disheartening -- and I implicate myself (although I've replied a couple of times).  When an organization exists to stimulate "community engagement" but ends up being chockfull of folks who DO NOT engage with each other it is time to see some provocation.  

Consider yourself provoked!  


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