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New report from Mayors Roundtable - At the Heart of the City: Mayors on the Urban Future

The report “At the Heart of the City: Mayors on the Urban Future” (featured below) encompasses the captivating discussion that occurred during the Mayors Roundtable at the World Urban Forum 6 held in September 2012 in Naples, Italy.

Attended by 400 Mayors and Local Authority Associations, topics such as the financial architecture in countries, job creation strategies, women and youth empowerment and the need for an improved partnership between Ministers and Mayors were passionately debated.

Silver workers - golden opportunities - Exploring the benefits of investing in an ageing workforce

A number of projects within PASCAL, including currently THEMP, are concerned with the benefits of lifelong learning for older learners. A briefing report from CEDEFOP entitled, Silver workers - golden opportunities - Exploring the benefits of investing in an ageing workforce, provides a useful backdrop to that debate and is featured below.

Job Vacancy - Skills Partnership Project Manager - Loch Lomond and the Trossachs Community Partnership

In the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, the Community Partnership is exploring new ways of improving the opportunities for employment and learning in key green sectors – tourism, rural skills and local food production. The Community Partnership is a wholly grass-root organisation run by the communities and tackling issues raised by the communities. We are seeking a project manager to take this initiative forward.

Call for EUC Visiting Fellowship 2013

The EU Centre in Singapore is now inviting applications for the EUC Visiting Fellowship tenable in the period between May to November 2013. Supporting grants of various amounts of up to €6,000 commensurate with expertise, visiting commitments and duration will be provided for the Visiting Fellow to cover travel, accommodation and subsistence allowances to Singapore. 

Applicants should have a PhD and demonstrable experience and expertise (substantiated by a list of publications, involvement in research projects, policy work) in any of the following research areas:

UNESCO Chair - GACER News - February 15, 2013

We are sharing two reports on civil society today.  Rajesh Tandon and a consortium of civil society organisations produced the first one, "Civil Society at a Crossroads"

The second report was carried out by the consultancy firm KMG for the World Social Forum with the idea of providing the global economic leaders a look in on civil society trends.

Connect - virtual learning communities in Europe

Subscribers may be interested in the CONNECT project ( EU Lifelong Learning, KA3 ICT - Multilateral projects) aimed to establish Web 2.0-based virtual communities and social learning to strengthen competences of people at risk of exclusion.

PASCAL International Exchanges (PIE) Events in 2013

2013 will be a big year for international and local development of directions for learning city. These events include the launch of the UNESCO Global Learning City Network in Beijing in November or December 2013, and the 11th PASCAL International Observatory conference Cities Learning Together in Hong Kong on 18-20 November, focussed on the following theme:

Local Communities in the Sustainable and Healthy Learning City

The World We Imagine - Promotional video for GUNi student video contest

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) is opening a Call for Videos for higher education students around the world, with a goal to involve your visions on transformative knowledge in higher education.

NMC Horizon Report 2013 Higher Education Edition

This has been notified to me:

NMC Horizon Report 2013 Higher Education Edition - Due to be released in Feb 2013 this major report from NMC and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). There is now a preview of the trends in use of technology which they forecast for higher education. It is clearly written describing each technology, its applications for education and giving case studies of existing innovative use and references for further reading.



UNESCO Chair - GACER News - Febuary 5, 2013

Greetings Friends,

First thank you all so very much for your support in getting information about the GUNi Call for Good Practices out last week; the deadline has been extend to February 10.  With your help the number of 'good practices' has more than doubled from around 45 to 94 as of today. There is still a need to receive short student videos and there is an opportunity to present posters as well.


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