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GUNI Posters - BA in Community Development

The recent GUNI Conference in Barcelona provided opportunties for many organisations to present their work in the field of community engagement.

Call for contributions to the next edition of the L&W Newsletter

You are invited to submit information to be included in the next edition of the Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W], due to appear at the beginning of  June 2013.

Learning Communities for Literacy in Canada

A whole issue of À Lire en ligne, the magazine of Réseau pour le développement de l’alphabétisme et des compétences in Canada in 2010 was devoted to learning communities and is now available online. The magazine in its complete form is only available in French, with a large number of articles, translated into English.

Big Tent Communique IV - The grand global challenges and the transformation to sustainable societies

Attached is the Big Tent Communique IV, The grand global challenges and the transformation to sustainable societies, which was presented at the end of the 6th GUNI conference in Barcelona on 15 May by PASCAL Associate, Lean Chan and Norbert Steinhaus of the Living Knowledge Network.

6th GUNI conference - Update

The 6th GUNI conference on Higher Education in the World is coming to an end after three interesting days of inter-change, and has provided many examples of excellent engagement between communities and universities. It has included a number of inputs from PASCAL people, including plenary sessions involving Board Member Hans Schuetze, Associates Paul Benneworth, Lean Chan, Budd Hall, Julia Preece and Shirley Walters, and Co-Director Mike Osborne.

UN Sustainable Development Issues for Public Consultation

The UN Committee on Sustaianable Development has issued its draft report and invites feedback. The 10 challenges it suggests are:

Hume Social Justice Conference – Making a World of Difference

The journey of social justice in Hume City...

New book: China's Aid and Soft Power in Africa - The Case of Education and Training by Kenneth King

China's increasing role as an education donor in Africa, and the significance of this both economically and politically.

Why does China run one of the world's largest short-term training programmes, with plans to bring 30,000 Africans to China between 2013 and 2015?

Why does it give generous support to 24 Confucius Institutes teaching Mandarin and Chinese culture at many of Africa's top universities from the Cape to Cairo?

New PASCAL book series - Universities and Lifelong Learning from Manchester University Press

Please find below details of the first three books in a new PASCAL book series on Universities and Lifelong Learning being published shortly by Manchester University Press. The series editor is PASCAL Director for Europe, Professor Mike Osborne of the University of Glasgow, and we are very pleased that so many of our associates and principals are involved in the project.

This work was inspired in the first instance by the PURE project, and a number of other books will follow.

Joy Ndwandwe on Ubuntu, 26th April 2013

In this video, Joy Ndwandwe summarises the Open Space 'Dignilogue' session on 'Ubuntu' in the 21st Annual Conference of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network in Stellenbosch, South Africa, titled 'Search for Dignity', 24th-27th April 2013.


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