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National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement

Readers may be interested in the National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement (NCSUE) based at Michigan State University in the US. It seeks a greater understanding of how university engagement enhances faculty scholarship and community progress. How do scholars engage most effectively with their communities, and how, in turn, does such engagement enhance their scholarship?

Issue 12 of Freirean Rhizome is now available

Dear All

Issue 12 of Freirean Rhizome is now available at

This fully refereed, electronic journal provides established and emerging scholars and practitioners, social movements and professionals a space for critical and empirical analysis concerned with issues such as central educational policies, curriculum reform, cultural and political actions, alternatives activities and pedagogy.

Supporting & Embedding CPD for Business & Community Engagement

This project may be of interest. Led by JISC and AURIL (Association of University Research and Industry Links) in the UK, Supporting & Embedding CPD for Business & Community Engagement is a collaboration between sector stakeholders.

Why is municipal self-government important at the present moment?

Readers may be interested in the introduction to a new book, entitled the Cornerstones of Municipal Self-Government, edited amongst others by PASCAL Associate, Professor Jari Stenvall from the University of Lapland in Finland. The introduction, 'Why is municipal self-government important at the present moment?' is featured below.

Validation of learning outcomes in Grundtvig in-service traiining - New briefings report from GINCO

Validation of learning outcomes is of particular importance in the informal and non-formal adult education system since this sector focuses on adult learners who, at a possibly long distance from their original formal qualifications, need evidence of their further development of skills and social and personal competences.

Applied Baccalaureate Degrees in the United States

Attached is a fascinating executive summary of a report completed by the University of Illinois (U of I) for the Lumina Foundation.  The full technical report will be released in the near future.

Details on the overall project, completed by the U of I's Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL) is located here:

Could Many Universities Follow Borders Bookstores Into Oblivion?

Anne Kaplan found this article interesting.  For those outside the United States, Borders was a national bookstore chain that recently went out of business.

Article at:

The Community Capitals Framework

Cornelia and Jan Flora have developed an interesting framework for examining seven forms of inter-related capital.  A synopsis is attached as a PDF.  For a longer exposition, consider their "Rural Communities: Leacy and Change" (3rd edition, 2007).  A 4th edition will be published in July.

Written in terms of the rural realm, this framework has broader application, particulary in regard to the development of Learning Cities.  

Book Review: "The Coming Prosperity" (Philip Auerswald)

Will the "rise of the developing world" help Americans?  Philip Auerswald argues that the economic crisis will eventually give way to unparalled global growth.  Review by Richard Florida at:




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