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Three position papers from the World Committee for Lifelong Learning

We have elaborated three documents on the position of the World Committee for Lifelong Learning (CMA):

Living and Learning in EcCoWell Cities - Discussion Paper

These notes and questions have been prepared to promote discussion of the ideas set out in the clarifying paper Living and Learning in EcCoWell Cities. This paper has been prepared to provide a possible framework for further exchanges between cities participating in the PASCAL International Exchanges (PIE) that go in the direction of broader more holistic and integrated strategies.[1]

Living and Learning in EcCoWell Cities

This paper has been prepared to promote discussion of ways in which a number of ideals  directed at better life in cities can be integrated in more holistic and connected strategies so that there are value added outcomes in terms of the quality of life and the sustainability of cities.

Knowledge Transfer on Legs

Third Sector Internships Scotland is celebrating its first anniversary, and reports a successful first year of making connections between university students with fresh ideas and third sector organisations looking to develop new projects.  

The programme is an innovative partnership between Scottish Universities and the third sector.  TSIS is a four-year programme developed by Queen Margaret University, The Open University in Scotland and the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, and is funded by the Scottish Funding Council.

Nordic Horizons

There is a flourishing informal group of professionals in Scotland meeting periodically to explore the 'Nordic Mode'; whatever it is that consistently places Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and sometimes Iceland close to the top of international league tables for well-being, equality, health and productivity.  The series of meetings is exploring different aspects of social policy in the Nordic countries, with a view to see what might be learnt and borrowed for policy development in Scotland in particular, but in the UK more widely.

60 Years of UNESCO Institute in Hamburg

On 24-25 May this year the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, UIL, will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of UNESCO’s presence in Hamburg. The anniversary celebration will highlight the Institute’s impact on education policy and programmes throughout the 60 years of its work focussing on lifelong learning, adult learning and education, and adult literacy in all world regions.

Rio 10+20: The Future We Want

A Zero-draft of the Outcome Document for the UN Rio 10+20 Conference on Sustainable Development (June 2012) has been circulated. The Rio 10+20 Conference is a follow up on the 1992 Rio Conference on Sustainable Development and will be significant in showing what has been learnt since the first Rio conference and how far countries are prepared to collaborate in addressing key sustainability issues.

Academic Impact - United Nations

Subscribers may be interested to know that U21 is a partner to the UN's Academic Impact initiative and has consultative status with the Economic and Social Committee of the UN (ECOSOC), the only network of universities with that status.

The Extraordinary Value of Great Universities (Richard Florida)

The Extraordinary Value of Great Universities (Richard Florida).

Do Cities Need Universities to Survive? (Nate Berg)

Do Cities Needs Universities to Survive? (Nate Berg).  


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