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Regional policy priorities

PASCAL is anxious to ensure that it is addressing those topics within its remit which are of most relevance and priority to regional stakeholders.  By way of an experiment, there is now a PASCAL poll seeking views on the most pressing social policy problems faced by regions in 2012.  The poll question can be found at  Please vote.  The poll is open for the next 7 days.  

Gaborone Stimulus Paper

Gaborone shares the challenges resulting from rapid urban growth of the other African cities in PIE, with Gaborone one of the fastest growing cities in the world. A point of particular interest in the Gaborone paper is the action taken by the University of Botswana in giving effect to its community engagement objectives...

Modernity’s Other and the Transformation of the University

Please find attached the text of a talk I gave to Faculty Members at the University of Cape Town, South Africa on February 17. 2012.

PASCAL online networks continue to grow

There's a new logo and whole new look to PASCAL's Twitter page.  We have more than 400 followers now from around the world, and the number continues to grow. Why not check out the site and join them for up-to-the-minute news, comment and links to the latest ideas relating to PASCAL themes?

Networks synergetic with Learning Cities

I am continuously finding networks with synergies to the work we are doing in Learning Cities. The following two are of interest:

Liveable cities - a Singapore based network.

Fundacion Metropoli, Spanish foundation focussing on city networks.

These came from a paper by John Matthews about cities as leaders of green transformation.

Peacebuilding in Daily Life; Another Video

This video dialogue between Howard Richards, philosopher of social science, and Evelin Lindner, was created on 30th April 2012 in Chile, in Howard's Dialogue Home and Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo in Limache, Chile.

In this video, Howard Richards explains the connections between what is possible to do in daily life and what is necessary to do for justice and sustainability. The video was recorded by Shelley Damaris Richards Higgins:

Howard on YouTube

Philosopher of social science, Howard Richards, speaks about "Growth Points" in this video dialogue with Evelin Lindner, created on 23rd April 2012 in Limache, Chile:

British Columbia, Canada, Social Innovation Council releases final report

The Government of British Columbia created a BC Social Innovation Council headed up by a senior community leader, a senior government member and a senior business person to look at how social innovation and social enterprise could be mobilized in support of the persistence of challenges in our communities.

Knowledge Democracy: Epistemologies of the South

The Tate Modern Gallery in London has organised a seminar series called: Topology: Spaces of Transformation that has been running since November of 2011 and will continue to June 2012.

Yesterday, the 28th of April, 2012 was a session on “Epistemologies of the South: Reinventing Social Emmancipation” –The panellists were Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Shiv Visvanathan, Suely Rolnik and Sarat Maharaj.  From a knowledge democracy perspective this was a fascinating set ofpresentations and worth while passing on to others.

Down With Everything

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman (The World is Flat) offers an interesting illustration of the situation in the US vis-a-vis governance.  The article describes the macro-level (e.g., Washington gridlock) but the tone and tenor of that realm influences regional governance.


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