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Community-University Research and Engagement: What would you like to see in place by 2030?


The various global community engagement networks will be holding a global video dialogue mid October on “the Future of CU Research and Engagement”.  This will also be a topic of future work with the Global University Network for Innovation team as well.

In support of this work, we would appreciate five minutes of your time.  Please use the comment facility below or contact one of the undesigned to give us a heading and 2-3 sentences (and a link if helpful) about:  

Interesting Community-University Research and Engagement work in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

A stunning early autumn day in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Some interesting developments here that might be of interest to some of you.

Creation of the Centre for Public Involvement

Scottish Government's strategy for 16+ education

Last week the Scottish Government published its proposals for the development of education and training for the over 16s. The proposals in the document are for consultation until mid-December. The proposals are published prior to the introduction of new legislation where that is required.

GINCO - Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers

The purpose of this blog is to provide some information on the GINCO project funded under the multilateral stream of the Grundtvig arm of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme. GINCO is a Grundtvig network run by an international consortium of 21 partners.

EUCEN - Bridging the gaps between learning pathways - Genoa (IT), 16-18 November 2011


"Bridging the gaps between learning pathways" will be held in Genoa from 16-18 November 2011. See for more details.

Free Webinar - EQF and Recognition of Prior Learning (20 October 2011; 11h-12h CET ) - VIRQUAL PROJECT ORGANIZATION

Dear Colleagues,

VIRQUAL, the Network for integrating Virtual Mobility and European Qualification Framework in HE and CE institutions, is organising its last webinar. This time the theme is EQF and Recognition of Prior Learning and the webinar will take place on 20 October 2011, starting at 11:00 CET until 12:00 CET, using Adobe Connect Meeting Room from University of Geneva.

The main points presented by the Keynote Speaker, Michel FEUTRIE, will be:

  *   National Qualifications Frameworks referenced to the EQF,

CEBEM - knowledge democracy - post available at University of Science Malaysia - Engage 2011

Dear Friends, the academic year starts for us in Canada now bringing back memories of going off to school as a youngster for the first time.  I am teaching a community based research course on-line this term as well as sharing an introductory course on Social Justice Studies to first year students.  I hope that all of you are doing well.  I always enjoy hearing from you.

The University and the City - New York City 24-28 February 2012. A request for proposals by 14 Sept 2011

This has just been brought to my attention and you can see the origin below.

Switzerland - a learning country

The National Awareness Campaign for Life Long Learning

The Learning Festival brings a new learning experience to the people. Committed people join forces with education providers. Labour market officials and politicians join in with regional stakeholders to create a platform for various exciting events around the field of education. The regional learning events are based mainly on voluntary work. Without the support of dedicated and well-connected people, the Learning Festival would not be possible.


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