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Productivity paper by Paul Eslake, Director, Productivity Growth Program (AU)

The European Union Centre at RMIT is currently undertaking research into the issue of Productivity. This topic appears to be gaining momentum given the two speed economy Australia is reportedly experiencing.

Mixing an Economic Development Cocktail

During Chris Shepherd's recent visit to northern Illinois we engaged a cadre of city management practioners in a stimulating conversation.  This conversation engendered an email from one of the participants; she shared the following item which she thought was "on point."  I would agree and therefore direct your attention to:

Paul Crawford

LLL driving universities’ ambitions for advanced teaching and research? Dare we? Can we? Let’s! - 14/15 May 2012 - Glasgow

U21 Collaborative Group – Research Universities and their Regions

Lifelong learning driving universities’ ambitions for advanced teaching and research? Dare we? Can we? Let’s!

Workshop - University of Glasgow 14/15 May 2012

Competence Passport is open

Dear Colleagues.

It is our pleasure and with pride that we present the framework of Compass, an educational philosophy and measurement format. The aim of Compass is to engineer the talents of our students in the most efficient and effect way. Students will be educated so that they are competence-ready for working-life. The match between the requirements of working-life and the talents of the students will be optimal.

Please feel free to comment on this concept.

Big Tent II - Community-University Engagement in 2030: A Scenario

Here is a draft of Perspectives from the "Big Tent" global dialogue on Community-University Research and Engagement to be held on October 17, 2011. This is the second global statement by the "Big Tent" group of international community university research and engagement networks and will be finalised following discussions that will be chaired from the University of Glasgow by Dr Rajesh Tandon of PRIA and Professor Michael Osborne of PASCAL amongst the networks.

We welcome comments from our subscribers in advance of the dialogue and thereafter.


PASCAL Co-Sponsors TRE Roundtable: Washington, DC

Northern Illinois University, in its role as the North American PASCAL Center, is co-sponsoring the 2011 TRE Roundtable & annual meeting in Washington, DC (December 5-7, 2011).  The TRE Roundtable theme is "Accelerating Regional Solutions: Finding Unique Pathways to American Prosperity."

Next GACER gathering May-10-12, 2012, Bonn, Germany

Dear Friends,

The next larger gathering of the Global Alliance for Community Engaged Research will take place within the 5th Living Knowledge Conference May 10-12-Bonn, Germany.

Re-imagining Research Relationships
Co-creating Knowledge in a Democratic Society

The Natural Browsing project and PASCAL - a rather unique collaboration

On the face of it, involvement with the dissemination of a leading-edge computer science project would seem to be outside of PASCAL's remit.  What have "semantic search" and "natural languague processing" got to do with the social sciences? This is exactly the question we asked ourselves when invited by our colleagues from the Puglia Region to get involved in the Natural Browsing project.

Cultural Identity, Climate Change Resilience and ICT

Angelina Valeria Ospina in a recent blog has helpfully explored links between cultural identity and ICT in sustaining resilience and promoting innovation in vulnerable communities in the face challenges such as those presented by climate change. 


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