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Public Engagement and the Politics of Evidence in an Age of Neoliberalism and Audit Culture

Marc Spooner and James McNinch of the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina were the co-chairs of a recent symposium held in the heartland of Western Canada.  The symposium brought together some of the best known critical participatory research, Indigenous, decolonising, knowledge democracy and higher education scholars in North America with the notable international addition of Dr. Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Maori scholar and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Waikato, Aotearoa.

What I will say in Catania - close dialogue between researchers, policy developers and practitioners in culture pays off!

I am very much looking forward to the 12th PASCAL conference in Catania where I am presenting in the cultural strand. I hope that I may be able to provide something there as my experience from PASCAL comes from my dual position – working both as a researcher for Linköping University and The Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning & Creativity, and as managing director for the Jamtli Foundation which primarily runs one larger and three smaller museums in the region of Jämtland in the middle of Sweden.

12th PASCAL Conference - Proposals for the Big Idea Sandpit - Deadline 7 August

Delegates for the 12th PASCAL Conference are invited to propose Big Ideas linked to the themes of the conference in advance of the event: five of these ideas will chosen to be pitched in plenary session on Day 2 with a strict 5 minute presentation. There will then be a debate and vote for the best idea. That idea will then be developed into a longer presentation by the presenter and advocates from the conference, and debated further on Day 3.

Global posturing and domestic exigencies: Should BRICS Summits be taken seriously?

"States should support existing civil society initiatives and social practices, and develop partnerships with civil society institutions to implement these decisions”.

Adult education in museums, art galleries and libraries - special issue of International Journal of Lifelong Education

Professor Darlene Clover will be editing a special edition of the International Journal of Lifelong Education to be published in Autumn 2017, entitled, Adult education in museums, art galleries and libraries.

Appropriate papers presented at the PASCAL conference in Catania will be considered in fully developed form for this special issue.

Special Issue of International Journal of Knowledge-based Development from proceedings of PASCAL conference

The International Journal of Knowledge-based Development will one of the journals that will consider submissions of fully developed articles based on submissions made to the 12th PASCAL conference in Catania for a special issue.

Guidelines for full papers for 12th PASCAL Conference in Catania - Deadline 7 August

In case those who have submitted abstracts have not seen these, you will find guidelines for full papers for 12th PASCAL Conference in Catania are available at this link.

U21 Students' Visions of the Future of Digital Cities

This Friday 10th of July 2015, international students attending the U21 Summer School 2015: Cities and Citizens in the Digital Age presented their visions of the future of digital cities.

Ripples - Winter 2015 Newsletter of the Australian Learning Communities Network

Please find featured below and attached the Winter 2015 issue of the newsletter Ripples, from the Australian Learning Communities Network (ALCN):

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – July 2015

I am returning to random reflections once again, for your perusal below:


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