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Glasgow - European Entrepreneurial Region for 2016

In July 2015, the  President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Markku Markkula, awarded Glasgow (UK), Lombardia (IT) and Małopolska (PL) as European Entrepreneurial Regions (EER) 2016. The Award ceremony was held in Brussels  after a jury, consisting of members from EU institutions and business associations, selected the regions' strategies as the best to promote entrepreneurship and spread innovation among small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

A day in Acireale

On 10 October 2015, Roberta Piazza of Catania University and Associate Director of PASCAL, and its associates, Dermot Coughlan of University of Limerick together with Anna Hansen and Henrik Zipsane of Jamtli Foundation represented PASCAL International Observatory at a seminar in the old research library in the municipality of Acireale, a community just North of Catania with about 60,000 inhabitants and a glorious past with 17th – 19th Century churches and palaces as well as diverse museum collections.

The 6th Big Tent Communique - The Catania Statement

Featured below and attached please find the Catania Statement, the Sixth Big Tent Global Communique on Higher Education and Engagement released on October 9th in the City of Catania, Sicily, Italy at the University of Catania on the occasion of the 12th Annual Conference of the PASCAL International Observatory.

Nelson Mandela Annual lecture - Thomas Piketty

I'm Jane Thandi Lipman, filmmaker and journalist, and I recently attended the Nelson Mandela Annual lecture addressed by economist Professor Thomas  Piketty with my mother, Beata Lipman, veteran anti apartheid activist and scriber of the Freedom Charter. I thought that subscribers might be interested in hearing what PIketty had to say. 

Big Tent Communique VI final text

[Please note: An edited and formatted version of the final text is available here.]

More jobs at the University of Glasgow

Below you will find great opportunities to work in an exciting environment at the forefront of education in the UK. The School of Education in Glasgow has recently been ranked as No. 1 in the UK on the National Survey of Students; No. 1 in the UK on the Sunday Times Good University Guide; and No. 2 in the UK in the Complete University Guide. Subscribers will have seen two of these posted previously. There are now three others of interest.

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – October 2015

Here is another round of random reflections for your perusal:

Skill regime in the context of globalization and migration

Featured below and attached is the introduction to a special issue on ”Skill regime in the context of globalization and migration” which will soon be published in the journal Studies in Continuing Education. The issue is edited with Hongxia Shan at UBC Canada as lead-editor, and me as co-editor. 

Given the focus on migration at the PASCAL Catania conference, I hope that this will be of interest to delegates.


12th PASCAL Conference - Last chance to register; deadline Monday, September 21st

The deadline for registering for the 12th PASCAL Conference is fast approaching. Please register by Monday, September 21st to avoid disappointment!

The Conference schedule is packed with events and presentations; we have more than 100 presenters and 70 papers for you to choose from, plus features such as:

So please don't wait, go to the ATTEND page of Conference website and register now!

We have also been informed by the management of the Baie Verde hotel that a limited number of rooms are still available at the special Conference rate.

We all look forward to seeing you in beautiful Catania, Sicily on 7th October!


Professor Roberta Piazza
University of Catania

New lecturer and senior lecturer posts in community development and adult education at Glasgow - Deadline 16 October

I would like subscribers to be aware of two new posts at the University of Glasgow. We are looking for high calibre applications from any part of the world for these posts.


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