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Refugee Crisis - the work of GRAMNet in Glasgow

Given the high profile being given to the question of migration at the next PASCAL Conference in Catania subscribers may be interested to know that the Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet) is very active in debate and action.

Progress on the Big Tent Communique VI

The 4th and near-final iteration of the Big Tent Communique VI is to be printed and translated for discussion and adoption at the end of the 12th PASCAL Conference in Catania next month. The theme is Local Identities and Global Citizenship: the Challenge for Universities.

There is still an opportunity to review and contribute to this process now through the Big Tent Communique VI discussion forum on the Outside The Box (OTB) site. Here you can find the net text and post your advice.

Cork Healthy City progress

A report (featured below) from the co-ordinator of the Cork Healthy City initiative, Denise Cahill, to Cork City Council shows the progress that the Healthy City initiative has made since becoming a WHO Healthy City in January 2012. This has gone along with active participation in the Cork EcCoWell initiative directed at achieving a more holistic to city development.

Place-Based Economic Development

Discover the possibilities of place-based economic development as it relates to food.  Take a few minutes to view this TedTalk - "How to Build a Place-Based Economy Where You Live" by Eric Kornacki at TEDxMileHigh:

A Practical Guide to Community Organizing (cheap!)

This little guidebook will be an excellent read for you if you are interested in any of the following: community organizing, building a healthier sustainable human society, democratic social movements, popular education, and/or applying principles of social change theory. Think of this as a very practical "how-to" manual for a successful workshop model that is well-grounded in a philosophy of social change.

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – September 2015

Here is another round of random reflections for your perusal:

#learningcities weekly and other PASCAL social media updates

A new weekly curated newspaper #learningcities weekly was launched this week.  A trial edition came out yesterday (Wednesday) and the full editions will appear every week from now on.  The idea of #learningcities weekly is to bring together in one place all references to #learningcities on Twitter in the previous week and provide easy access to a range of material on one of PASCAL's main themes.

Post-conference tours at 12th PASCAL Conference in Catania

We have made arrangements with a local tour operator to offer special prices to Conference attendees wishing to take advantage of the spectacular locations close to Catania.

Third CityApp in Sidoarjo

Following the two successful CityApps in Kathmandu and Makassar, CityNet continues its partnership with Microsoft CityNext through the third CityApp which will be held in conjunction with this year’s Executive Committee Meeting and International Seminar in Sidoarjo.


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